Monday, January 06, 2014

Obama's betrayal of the dead of Falujah.

With the crippling of our military while they were in Iraq and now in Afghanistan with bizarre, typically POG strategies that have resulted in the ongoing collapse of both governments... which a blind man could foresee in a minute from Obama blowing his first of many foreign policy initiatives when he allowed that idiot Biden to screw up the SOFA Agreement with Iraq.

Personally, I don't care if both countries vaporize.  But with al Qaida taking Fallujah and other reversals in Anbar, the blood that was spilled in Iraq becomes a complete waste.

The idiocy that the anti-American, empty-suited racist bigot in the White House "ended the war in Iraq" is just that: idiocy.  What he's done is set it up so that al Qaida can move back in and take over, providing a huge base of operations for terrorism around the world.

I put a large part of the blame for this on Bush, as well.  He knew that Iran was killing our troops over there and did nothing to stop them or punish them in any way.

Failing to retaliate against Iran back in the beginning is, in large part, why we face the problems over there we have now.  Combine that with the rank incompetence of a clueless moron as President, and disaster is going to be the outcome.

Those who died in taking Fallujah and the many other areas that are sinking back into the abyss and their families should rise up in their outrage.  Those who aided and abetted this disaster need to be held accountable.


Al-Qaeda militants in Iraq seize Fallujah

The fighting is the worst violence since U.S. forces left Iraq at the end of 2011.

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Al-Qaeda militants have seized Fallujah, a key city in western Iraq, engaging Iraqi army forces in pitched battles there in a brazen challenge to Iraq's central government.

"The whole of Fallujah is taken," said Qasim Abed, a member of the provincial council in the region and the former governor of Anbar. "The situation is very bad."

Abed was reached Saturday by phone from his home in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar, a mostly Sunni region west of Baghdad. He said militants have occupied police stations and government buildings throughout Fallujah and are also controlling limited parts of Ramadi.

Later Saturday, police had positioned themselves on the edge of Fallujah, head of the Anbar province police force Hadi Razeij said while speaking on Arabic language satellite broadcaster al-Arabiya.

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