Friday, December 06, 2013


OK... I'm not a fan.

As the designer of the ubiquitous burning necklace so favored by his ANC outfit, I've really got to wonder: do his post-prison activities in any way make up for his terrorism?
The practice became a common method of lynching among black South Africans during disturbances in South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. The first recorded instance took place in Uitenhage on 23 March 1985 when black African National Congress (ANC) supporters killed a black councillor who was accused of being a white collaborator.[1]
And who ran the ANC?

Nelson Mandela.

Here's what the particular practice look(s) like.  Before:


Did Mandela do anything after he was let out of prison that excuses this?

Why aren't those nominating him for sainthood even mentioning this?

I dunno.... maybe he was all that and a bag of chips.

But an individual who countenances this sort of thing?

I have my doubts... his worship of another murderer, a guy named Che... notwithstanding.


  1. the Liberal bastards are trying to whitewash the ghoulish sonuvabitch, but there is just too much evidence like the pics you posted the first two victims of "necklacing" were 2 little girls their burned bodies are on the internet for all to see whether the phucking Lefties like it or not.

  2. the Liberal bastards are trying to whitewash the ghoulish sonuvabitch, but there is just too much evidence like the pics you posted the first two victims of "necklacing" were 2 little girls their burned bodies are on the internet for all to see whether the phucking Lefties like it or not.


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