Wednesday, November 13, 2013

WW details the double-tap to the CRC's head.

In addition to the most crushing defeat the CRC pimps have suffered,,, the inevitable defeat at the polls within Clark County where in excess of 68% voted "hell no," comes this remarkable write up by Andrea Damewood of Willamette Week fame, who lays it all out for the CRC Scammers and frankly... it don't look good.

Bridge Collapse

The latest news for the Columbia River Crossing is all bad.

news2_4002ILLUSTRATION: WW Staff
November is the cruelest month for the Columbia River Crossing project. 
After warding off a series of potentially fatal blows, the proposed $2.8 billion Oregon-only project took two headshots last week. 
As The Oregonian first reported, Oregon Department of Transportation director Matt Garrett penned a remarkable admission to State Treasurer Ted Wheeler: Oregon has no legal way to force Washington residents to pay tolls.  
“ODOT is pursuing a pathway with the state of Washington that would engage both states’ authorities in mutual toll violation enforcement,” Garrett wrote on Nov. 4. “This pathway, or iterations of it, may require legislative action by one or both states.”  
In last week’s election in Washington, voters in Pierce and Kitsap counties handed a key state Senate seat to Republicans, who’ve already killed the CRC once this year—and are itching to do so again.
Here are four reasons the Columbia River Crossing’s days could be numbered: 

So, what's it all mean?

Simple: the CRC Pimps are likely going to lose; the taxpayers are out $180 million or so for nothing, and the slaughter of those scum at the polls, which will take place here next year will have been wholly unnecessary from the start... had they just listened to the people of this area.

Careers that have ended... such as Marc Boldt's, Pat Campbell's and Steve Stuart's likely would still be running strong had they just listened to those they are allegedly working for.. meaning the people.  (Memo to Steve Stuart: your ungodly arrogance notwithstanding, you DO realize that you work for the people... right?  I guess not.)

The downtown mafia types that despise anyone not a member would not look like blithering idiots.  Chief CRC Scammers like Montague (Of Identity Vancouver) and Parker (Of the Vancouver Chamber of Horrors) and local political wannabe Moron Mikey Briggs and Lefty Lou Brancaccio/John Laird would not look like simpering chimps if they had just... listened... to... the... people.

Royce Pollard would not look like senility set in 2 decades ago.  Craig Pridemore wouldn't look like a putz.  Evans and Associates wouldn't be a local cuss word.

All the division, the anger, the backstabbing, the liars, the arrogance... all of it could have been avoided had the scum listed above just listened to the people.

The astounding level of utter and complete incompetence.  The arrogance... the rank hypocrisy of the scum who ignored us and did their best to ram it down our throats.  The lies stacked upon lies, covering every dimension... lies second only to Obamacare on the local scale..

All of that could have been avoided had those involved in this garbage possessed an ounce of integrity between them.

Sadly... none of them do.

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