Wednesday, November 20, 2013

When the Washington GOP gets stupid.

First, you should probably do something worthy of a pay raise before you ask for one.

Second, expect this kind of backstabbing by the Executive Board if they don't want you to have the job.

Third, playing the democrat's trump card, real or imagined, shows you really ought to save everyone the trouble and resign.  Otherwise... STFU.

Politics Northwest

The Seattle Times political team explores national, state and local politics.
November 20, 2013 at 4:21 PM

State GOP chair Susan Hutchison cites ‘war on women’ in pay-raise spat

Susan Hutchison, the new chair of the state Republican party, gets a salary of about $75,000 a year — substantially less than the $95,000 earned by her predecessor, Kirby Wilbur.
But when Hutchison tried last weekend to convince the GOP executive committee to boost her pay to Wilbur’s level, the conversation turned ugly and Hutchison’s request was rebuffed.
Hutchison bemoaned the decision in an internal party memo obtained by The Seattle Times.
In the memo, sent Monday to the state GOP executive board, Hutchison wrote the “positive spirit” of the GOP meeting had “soured late in the day” when her salary request came up.
The pay for the Republican chairman’s position had been cut by GOP leaders — citing budget issues — at a meeting just prior to Hutchison’s election in August.
But Hutchison argued that vote had violated the party’s bylaws and could be viewed as “discriminatory and vindictive” — and even play into the hands of Democrats who have talked up the GOP’s problems among female voters.
“The pay cut defies the concept of equal pay for equal work, playing into the ‘war on women’ narrative against Republicans,” Hutchison wrote. She added she’d personally raised $22,000 from 18 non-Republican Party donors from her personal list of contacts — “which more than covers” the $20,000 pay raise.

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