Friday, November 08, 2013

The worst president this country has ever known sells out Israel.

As the POSIC, who has long since cemented his position in history as the worst president this country has ever known, continues to screw up American foreign policy (Much like he has completely screwed up American domestic policy) he's being played like the empty suited punk he is.

What this moron simply does not get is that there's blood at the end of his stupidity.  He's being played by Iran, like he was played by the muslim brotherhood in Egypt... and this is not going to end well for either him, or Israel

Furious Israel confronts USA...
Obama secretly lifted Iran sanctions months ago...
IRAN: Will Not Give Up Right to Enrich Uranium...
Israel abandoned...
'Deal of the century'... 


Obama unilaterally LIFTED THE SANCTIONS on a terrorist regime that has ALREADY killed and maimed THOUSANDS of Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan?

HE did that?

"Waste of skin" doesn't begin to cover it.

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