Thursday, November 21, 2013

Steve "Slimeball" Stuart and Tim "The Liar" leave-it: CRC shows what embarassing idiots they are.

The lies just keep on coming... but so, finally, does the truth.

The scum who voted for this contract merely serves to prove what most people knew all along:  That the scum who voted for this garbage: Slimeball Stuart, The Liar Leave-it, Larry "Screw the people" Smith,  Bart "I'm Bought" Hansen and Ron "Busted Eye" Onslow are a disgrace to this community and will be forever known for their corruption and their hatred of the will of the people.

More is coming.  But in what Lew Waters rightfully calls "an accident of journalism," the details of the contract were finally forced out into the open and the stench is overwhelming.

The CRC Pimps, if they were possessed of any honor, would renounce this travesty.  But the scum of the downtown mafia and the scum who voted for this fecal contract have neither honor or shame.

Here's the low-down... and thanks to Sen. Ann Rivers and the Freedom Foundation fro putting this garbage pile out into the open... so we can all see...  and be horrified... by the details and the history of this slimy, underhanded bullshit.

Records detail controversial C-Tran-TriMet deal

Contract was still being changed hours before board voted

By Eric Florip, Columbian transportation & environment reporter
Published: November 21, 2013, 7:26 PM
A controversial light-rail contract inked in September was still being changed hours before the C-Tran Board of Directors approved it, and board members never saw the actual agreement before the vote was taken, according to records released by the agency this month.
Board members approved the plan Sept. 26. The heads of C-Tran and TriMet signed the contract the next day. But many citizens have objected to the deal — and the process by which it was formed — that marked a big win for the Columbia River Crossing at the time.
Even some C-Tran leaders have expressed surprise at how the fast-tracked series of events played out.
"I didn't even know (C-Tran Executive Director Jeff Hamm) was going to sign it," said C-Tran board chairman Bill Ganley, a Battle Ground City Council member.
"This went a lot faster than I thought it was going to go," he added.
The deal spelled out how C-Tran and TriMet would operate light rail in Vancouver as part of the CRC. It was largely hammered out during a two-week span in September, when C-Tran resumed work on the Interstate 5 Bridge replacement at the direction of its board.
C-Tran is in the process of releasing hundreds of emails and other documents related to the contract, TriMet and the CRC. The disclosures come in response to public records requests by state Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, and the Freedom Foundation, an Olympia-based policy group.
Rivers said she is still sifting through volumes of records, hoping to shed light on behind-the-scenes discussions that preceded the vote.
"Just so many questions, and so many things that just don't add up to me," Rivers said. "So sometimes you have to dig to get the information."

Draft not released

In the days leading up to a special C-Tran board meeting, emails show C-Tran and TriMet staff bounced drafts of the contract back and forth as details were finalized. That continued into the afternoon of Sept. 26, before the board voted 5-4 to approve the agreement that evening.
The week of the meeting, Republican Clark County Commissioner and C-Tran board member David Madore requested all records and communications related to light rail and the CRC from the previous two weeks, "even if they are in draft form." C-Tran responded Sept. 25 with a batch of email and documents, including drafts of a term sheet showing many details of the contract.

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