Friday, November 22, 2013

GOP Congressman Radel should resign: Cocaine brain.

There's no excuse for this nonsense, and this moron should go.  Now.

No lawmaker should remain in his or her seat if they are, in fact, law breakers.

I get that Kennedy only murdered one woman, but that was one too many.

But if you're in elective office, at any level, and you break the law... DUI, Armed Robbery, illegal drugs or anything else?

Then the first thing that should happen is that you resign.

Because no one makes anyone break the law... and you've sworn an oath that your lawbreaking has violated.

Party doesn't matter.  Position doesn't matter.  I don't break the law, why should those in office who do not suffer the ultimate political penalty for doing so?

And, no:  "rehab" doesn't cut it.  "Rehab" is what you do before your get busted.  Otherwise, rehab is what you're doing in an abortive attempt to save your political ass.

Fla. Congressman Enters Rehab After Cocaine Charge

Florida Republican Rep. Henry "Trey" Radel, who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of cocaine possession and received a year's probation, said Thursday he has checked himself into a rehabilitation center.
The freshman lawmaker said in a statement that he is seeking treatment and counseling in a Florida center for his drug and alcohol abuse.
"It is my hope, through this process, I will come out a better man," Radel said. "I will work hard to gain back the trust and support of my constituents, friends and most importantly, my family."
On Wednesday, Radel called a late-night press conference to announce that he is taking a leave of absence from Congress and donating his salary to charity.'
"I'm not going to sit here and make any excuses for what I've done," he told reporters. "I have let down our country. I've let down our constituents. I've let down my family, including my wife. And even though he doesn't know it, I've let down my 2-year-old son."
The 37-year-old lawmaker said he takes responsibility for what he did.
At a court hearing earlier Wednesday in Washington, Radel told a judge, "I've hit a bottom where I realize I need help" in acknowledging that he purchased 3.5 grams of cocaine from an undercover police officer.

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