Monday, November 04, 2013

Democrat racism alive and well.

The party of Jim Crow and the KKK once again rears its ugly head:

Breitbart: Civil Rights Leaders React to VA Dem Lt. Governor Candidate Refusing to Shake Opponent's Hand

National civil rights leaders reacted to Democratic candidate for Virginia Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam refusing on camera to shake hands with his Republican opponent—right after confirming that he wants to massively expand government healthcare and not denying allegations that he thinks traditional Christians have no right to act according to their traditional-marriage views.

Dr. Alveda King—the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. and one of America’s most prominent and respected civil rights leaders—said in a statement to Breitbart News:
I was saddened to learn today that Lt. Gov. candidate Ralph Northam refused to shake the hands of his opponent E.W. Jackson at the end of a television debate.  I am deeply burdened by the loss of civility in politics today.   
As one who has been elected to office as a Democratic Georgia State Representative, served as a Republican presidential appointee and who has often voted as an Independent, I have often said that we would all be better off without the political squabbles that tend to divide us. Refusing to shake hands with your opponent in front of a television audience takes the loss of civility to a new low. I would hope that his refusal to shake hands had nothing to do with the color of his opponent’s skin.
In a troubled economy, people are looking for leaders who can bring everyone together to solve the problems that confront us all. It is my hope that in these last hours of the race, Ralph Northam will recognize his inappropriate behavior and offer an apology to E.W. Jackson and to all those he hopes to represent.
Dr. King’s reference to skin color is because Northam is white, while Jackson is African-American.
Ken Blackwell from the American Civil Rights Union—who has been elected to public office more than a dozen times and also received presidential appointments and Senate confirmations to several federal offices—also offered his reaction exclusively to Breitbart News, saying:

The Founders of the American republic understood that democracy only works when both sides can at least be civil to their opponents. Virginia voters need to decide if that disqualifies Ralph Northam from being lieutenant governor of the Old Dominion. 


How.... democrat of him.

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