Friday, June 07, 2013

With the Administration going off the rails... where's Congresswoman Press Release?

Where is Jaime Herrera Beutler?

Once again, a major series of debacles are hurting this country.

Once again, that cardboard cutout of a congresswoman is.... silent.

And for that?

There is no excuse.

Yes, I know that she's in a tough spot with her pregnancy.  Odd that she felt compelled to go for the sympathy play when she thinks it would benefit her.

Meanwhile, the NSA and the IRS are acting like Obama's personal version of the KGB under Stalin.

And our "congresswoman" is silent.

The CRC is blowing up in her face.... and what does she have to say about it?

Nothing, because the special interests like Kiewit own her like she was bought at a slave auction.

Is the mouthpiece the mouth that roared?  Casey Bowman have laryngitis?

Herrera has been absolutely everything I knew she would be... and much, much, less.

Herrera, if you can't play, then get the hell out of the game and we'll put someone in there who can.

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