Thursday, June 06, 2013

Democratian seems to flip on home rule, because now the GOP runs the commission.

One of the more despicable elements of the local cancer on our community is their situational ethics.

They draw a line in the sand, until a new wind comes along and blows it away.  That, they believe, entitles them to draw a different line in another location.

One of the more recent examples was the ballpark scam.
The local rag wrote it best before they were corrupted with ad revenue:
But back to luring the baseball team over to this side of the river. That would require a stadium with at least 8,000 seats, which would cost about $40 million. As we've editorialized before, there appears to be no way any of that money could or even should be provided by taxpayers. That hurdle hasn't discouraged Leavitt, though. Theres still a lot of interest in bringing Beavers baseball or Triple-A baseball to Clark County. Private interests are working on a financing plan, he said. To which we respond: Great! Work away! Which is a nice way of saying don't come begging to cash-strapped city or county governments.
Now, of course, with a foundation of situational ethics, the rag (which refuses to see THEIR product taxed in any way to support this scam) has completely flipped based on the weight of the dollar signs.
Suddenly, confronted with the opportunity to bend us all over and jack up their ad revenue, they flipped to this:
Jeers: To the lost opportunity to bring a minor-league professional baseball team to Clark County. This week the city of Hillsboro, Ore., inked a deal with the Yakima Bears, the same team that tried hard to relocate to a spot on the Clark College campus. As part of the deal, Hillsboro will sell bonds to finance a new stadium estimated to cost $13 million to $15 million. The various proposals aired in Clark County to build a stadium and bring the Bears to town all had something for everyone to criticize. But in the end, they’ll be playing ball in Hillsboro and we’ll be stuck with the perpetually lackluster Seattle Mariners on TV.
Oh yeah... by the way:  everyone alive in Clark County who went to a movie, played golf, went to the amphitheater or the fair... YOU get to PAY for it... whether you ever set foot in the ballpark... or not!

Their endorsements are the same kind of scam.

For one endorsement, they'll say that "experience" is the key.  But when they don't happen to LIKE you,  they don't even mention "experience" in any positive sense as they endorse your opponent.  (Just look up any endorsement of a Benton opponent.)

And now, we have the flip on a home rule charter.

To this point, the waste of wood pulp has been terrified of a home rule charter.  For one example, had we had such a a charter in place over the years, imagine how quickly the CRC Scam would have been voted on... and that was the LAST thing these people wanted.

But now... Brancaccio's hatred of Commissioners Mielke and Madore has made him put his terror of the people actually having a say on the issues of the day aside in the forlorn hope that this process will ultimate lead to the taming of the commission.

The situation today has precisely zero real difference than it did when the scum at the Columbian wrote this pap:
In today's effort at self-flagellating moralizing, the democratian once again tells us how stupid it is to bring local government to heel.
Cheers: To county commissioners for putting an end to the home rule charter process this year.Inspecting methods of government is always a good idea, but there was no demonstrated need to elect a slate of freeholders to, in essence, draft a county charter that would replace the current system. A series of meetings produced no discernible public interest in the process outside of the same handful of activists who have promoted a county charter for years, only to lose at the polls. Better to save the staff time and the estimated $100,000 it would cost to sponsor an election.
Did I say "zero difference?"

My bad: The GOP controls the commission for the first time in decades, if ever.

THAT'S the "difference."

The anger of the moment that the rag sees as their reason to flip to this:.

In Our View: Listening to the People

Public apathy in home rule charter has been replaced by robust interest

Public interest in changing Clark County's form of government has changed; so has the attitude of county commissioners. Asking the public to become more engaged in local government is a good thing. And, although The Columbian has opposed reconsidering a home rule charter (citing three rejections by voters and what until recently appeared to be broad public apathy), it's hard to fault county commissioners for reconsidering home rule again.
Two years ago, only two people testified at a public hearing on creating a home rule charter. Tuesday night was different: 25 people testified at the commissioners meeting. Most of them — including a state senator, the county auditor, the county assessor and the county clerk — supported letting voters decide on the change.
Of course, that the hearing they babble about here took place during the day... you know, when people actually work, unlike the last hearing, which took place in the evening?

Don't be fooled: the rag has never given a damn about the will of the people, shown by their years long silence and opposition to demands that we be allowed to vote on the CRC Scam to their support of the Taliban City Council of Vancouver's suit against the voters to get the Pollard Hilton built.

As I pointed out, Brancaccio's psychotic hatred of Mielke, Madore and Benton are driving their flip:
Each of those changes is a potential improvement, most notably moving from three county commissioners to five. That would prevent two-person control of our community's most important decisions. It would make more difficult, for example, the hiring of an essentially unqualified person for director of environmental services, as happened recently.

The reality, of course, is that even with 5 commissioners in office, Benton STILL would have been hired because the likelihood is that all FIVE of the commissioners would have been GOP.

Politically, these scum are making a huge mistake when it comes to furthering their leftist agenda.  This is another clear-cut case of these morons confusing the wanting... with the having.

This time, their situational ethics is likely to blow up in their faces.  And then the wailing and gnashing of teeth will begin and these SAME slime will be bitching like cut cats.

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