Sunday, May 19, 2013

Where was Obama while he was allowing Americans to be slaughtered in Benghazi ?

Nah. THAT doesn't matter...

Except for one thing: What's he trying to hide?

I know! He was with his mistress in Argentina!


  1. Occasionally, you offer ideas on how to attract new blood to the Republican Party, and I pay attention because maybe you're serious...? Dude, everytime you say the word "Bengahazi," a 100 intelligent 20-somethings choose not to be become Republicans.

    "Outreach" is not just yelling the same old nonsense louder.

  2. Funny Martin.

    Liberals still can't let go of Bush on 9/11 reading to students in Florida and not panicking, getting up and running out of the room, scaring the daylights out of small children.

    But a terrorist attack on the anniversary of that date where the current occupant of the White House seems unable to account for his whereabouts, where calls for reinforcements seemingly were ignored and Americans were slaughtered inside a consulate and for days afterwards, the American people were lied to about what happened and months later questions are still stonewalled and it becomes, nothing to see here, move along?

    You say "'Outreach' is not just yelling the same old nonsense louder." Yet, just that seems to be the Liberals favorite method of beating others over the head.

  3. Martin, reports pf the GOP's death are premature.

    Yes, they have had problems for some time now and those problems stem from listening to Liberals telling them they need to become more Liberal, more Democrat like.

    Be a dork yourself and ignore it, but people are slowly waking up

  4. Funny you'd bring up Mr. Argentina. In a heavily red district (hasn't gone D in over 30 years), he was apparently better than any other R that could be fielded. Congress just keeps getting better and better.

    Benghazi has been overplayed to the extent that the push behind the story is now itself the scandal:

    (but I know you liked Benghazi so much because it gave you a shot at Mrs. Clinton!)

  5. I'll risk it Martin, because here's the thing:

    If they WERE "intelligent,"

    They'd already BE Republicans.

    And, by the way?

    I've never practiced the politics of expedience:

    I want the truth. I want EVERY question answered, just like the left would if Bush had been in office and this debacle had happened.

    No double-standard. No expedience. No talking points.

    I don't give a damn if people join or leave the GOP. I'm out.

    But my brothers died in Benghazi.

    And I want to know why. I want to know who is responsible for our failure to protect them.

    You may not. But that's you.

    This isn't about the GOP. This is about the truth. And frequently, the truth is as absent for the GOP as it is for the democrats.

  6. Sigh...

    Haven, I've only met you once as I recall. Please do not presume to believe you have a clue as to what motivates me.

    You see, SOMEBODY is RESPONSIBLE for this.

    And yet, in this, the allegedly "most transparent Administration in history" has been lying to us from the beginning.

    They have even gone so far as to lie to the mother of one of the dead SEALS.

    See: I want to know who sent the stand-down order.

    I want to know because I was a soldier and they promised us that we would never, ever be abandoned.

    These people were abandoned.

    And since you've never served, and likely never will, you have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT MOTIVATES ME.

    I DON'T GIVE A *FUCK* if Clinton, or Reid, or Boehner, or McConnell or ANYONE ELSE gets their ass kicked by this.

    These people are just as dead as if Obama had fired predator drone missiles at them.

    Isn't it odd, to you, that he is responsible for everything but remembers nothing?

    You suggest that we REWARD this kind of garbage?

    Those men are dead and the 34 survivors have been hidden because they're covering for something.

    And here's the thing, H. I'm about as wrong about this as all those conservative groups were about getting fucked over by the IRS... Or DOJ tapping the AP.

    Like Jon Stewart said: with the IRS Scam (which also doesn't seem to bother you or very many others on the left) the burden of proof is now on the Administration.

    The idea that somehow, you think they've got nothing to hide?

    That's not political. That's something entirely different, setting records in gullibility.


    We know where the buck has stopped for past presidents. Why doesn't it stop with Obama on this?

    And frankly, Haven, how likely is it that the left would be FREAKING if this had happened on Bush's watch and he had reacted the same way?

    All they have to do is tell the truth.

    If anyone up there can remember what "truth" looks like.

  7. You've got me, I'm convinced. All that totally explains why the R's have such a smoking gun about a terrible cover-up, but are shopping misleading and inaccurate email quotes to the press.

    For those that may not have been swayed by your highly persuasive and on point logic I think a few more capitalized f bombs and you'll have them.

  8. H,

    First of all, please don't misunderstand me. This blog is not here for your edification. I prepaid my 1st Amendment rights: I have a point of view, I chose to exercise those rights I spent 14 years in uniform to protect by publishing my point of view to provide and analyze information and back it with the source(s)... and that's primarily being done to slap back at what I consider to b3e corrupt authority.

    And my punches are not limited based on Party. Just ask my brother-in-law, Marc Boldt. I believe he'd agree.

    So you come here with your list of DNC talking points that have precisely dick to do with me, my concerns, my perspectives. You jump to an all-too-typically leftist conclusion.

    You question MY motives, while failing to question the motives of anyone in authority doing this to us.

    Yeah. It pisses me off.

    No, I'm not out to "convince" anyone. I'm not paid to do this: I don't have a quota to meet.

    People can feel free to agree or disagree. But on this blog, I hammer all sides of an issue when I believe they're corrupt, lying, dishonest or abusive to the people of this country.

    Feel free to exercise your franchise and avoid reading my meager effort if it offends you.

    I want answers. If it was a GOP president: I'd want answers. If the Clintons were rock-ribbed conservatives, I'd want answers.

    You and your sort, apparently, do not.

    "The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."

    And the Administration we have now seems to be quite illustrative of that precept.

    My blog. My rules.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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