Friday, May 17, 2013

The obvious comparisons between the IRS and the democratian.

We now have proof of what's generally known about the IRS, and has been for quite some time: they target conservatives; conservative groups, conservative causes and conservative individuals.

Unfortunately, we have a daily newspaper who does the exact same thing.  The comparison is obvious.

With the IRS, there were two groups of people considered.

Conservatives, conservative groups, conservative causes and those who are not.

With the democratian, there are two groups of people considered:

Conservatives, conservative groups, conservative causes and those who are not.

One huge difference is that there's nothing approaching an inspector general of this rag to investigate their obvious, fringe-left bias like there is the IRS.

So, while the acting commissioner lied today (obviously) when he said that there was "no political motive" in this obviously political activity, when Brancaccio or his pit yorkie lie as they claim to be dead center on any issue or candidate, all we've got is their own words to condemn them.

The history of the daily garbage heap is clear: generally, they hate anyone, anything or any cause to the right of Lenin.  Not always, but usually.

Just like the IRS.

What an amazing coincidence.

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