Thursday, May 23, 2013

The democratian's ironic hypocrisy.

As one of the more unfortunate side-effects of having a local daily paper run by scum, we find ourselves in this predicament.

On one hand, they support every proposed policy that will infringe on the rights of legal gun owners, under the guise of what they call, "reasonable gun control."

On the other hand, they're bitching like cut cats on even the PERCEPTION that THEIR precious freedoms even MIGHT be trampled... the exact way they want to trample the rights of those supporting the 2nd Amendment.

Here's the thing: It's difficult for me to care for thweir issue any nmore than THEY, care about mine.

The thing about the Bill of Rights is that no right listed in there is more important than any other.

Their right to lie, exaggerate, censor, mislead, advocate an agenda and so on is no more precious then my right to own and carry a weapon.

Our community would have been and will be multiples better off without this steaming pile printing one lie than we are now as they print multiples of them, overtly or covertly.

The fact that this despicable rag lies so much and does so with impunity, should remove any 1st Amendment protections from them.

But for THIS rag to whine about their freedoms is not unlike that thug Lerner in front of Congress yesterday, whining about how she hadn't done anything wrong and then refusing to answer any questions.

If this newspaper told the truth... if they didn't censor only opposing viewpoints...  if they didn't engage in this kind of rank hypocrisy every day... if they lived up to the same level of RESPONSIBILITY under the 1st Amendment as they do enjoying its privleges.

But they don't; far from.

So, when it comes to Brancaccio and his gang, I really don't give a damn if their hero sends in some truckls, rounds them all up, and puts them in prison indefinately.

Because even that won't come close to repaying this community for the damage they've caused.

And when it comes to Obama, I don't put any qualifiers on it: he's the worst modern president.  Period.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny to see them Whining like stuck hogs when their Ox is being Gored.After all, the Left ASKED FOR IT


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