Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The CRC Scammers amp up the lies to try and get the Senate to cave...

... it ain't happening.

For around a decade now, the CRC Scammers have been lying to the people.

Chicken Little types like Mike Briggs have been crapping on legislator's Facebook pages reciting the CRC Lie talking points by rote... like the good little fringe-left whack job he is.


And if we accept the rip of Scam of the CRC, we're not only going to kill a great deal of our small business here in Clark County as $100,000,000 plus in disposable income vaporizes in tolls every year, but we will be rewarding the evil of tyranny as the scum attempting to ram this garbage down our throats will be rewarded... instead of being punished... for their efforts.

As time runs out on these slime (the CRC Scam has a pulse that will be shut off in another 13 days or so, thanks to Jay Inslee's mounting stupidity.) the slime get ever more desperate.

The false claims that the I-5 Bridge is "unsafe" is illustrated by one, simple, unassailable fact:  it is still open.

That's right: if it were the disaster many of the more whining idiots like Briggs was telling us it is, it would be closed.

Is it?

Of course not.

So, why the lies from the CRC Scammers?

Remember Rule 1:  If you have to lie to get your project, policy or bill passed, then you shouldn't get it passed.

We all know by now that light rail has been the driver of this Scam from the beginning.

NOT earthquakes.

NOT safety.

NOT freight mobility.

NOT congestion.

When your movement has a POLICY against seeking and taking public input on a massive project like this, that's tyranny.

There is NO lie these pond scum wouldn't attempt to get this thing through.  It's too late, you understand: with light rail ON the bridge, the whole deal is off.

And, of course, these same lying scum have no problem holding the whole bridge hostage to light rail: proving that it's not about safety or earthquakes or little green men from Mars... but about loot rail and loot rail alone.

That's why NONE of these slime have moved off their position that we MUST replace the bridge and the replacement MUST have light rail... safety and the subsequent prayed for by the CRC Scammer's death of millions notwithstanding.

It's childish, playground bullshit.  And it ain't getting spit built. No matter how much these slime lie.


  1. It will be sheer pleasure to rub these psychotic Bastards' noses in the dirt when the Boondoggle is finally dead.

  2. George1:48 PM

    There is a ridiculous & wasteful detail of the CRC design that they don't want you to know about. There are 2 spans, each has an upper & lower deck. On the northbound span, half of the lower deck is EMPTY. Check it out:

    Perhaps they could set up food carts along there....

  3. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Their logic:
    Problem---We have a dangerous bridge.
    Solution--Lets build light rail.



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