Tuesday, May 28, 2013

So, the pit yorkie's replacement is Greg Jayne: I'm not encouraged.

We already know what a lying hypocrite John Laird has been for so many years.

That brings us to his replacement: what about Greg Jayne?

I'm not encouraged.

This blog has written about Jayne on 3 different occasions.  Each has been for his moronic, arrogant, Laird-like behavior.

The first effort:  (16 May 2012)

The arrogance and self-enlightened idiocy of Greg Jayne, democratian sports editor.

It takes a real dick to blow off democracy to get what they want.

Screw the people.  Who cares what they want?

We have the chance to bring in some rank amateur baseball.  Nothing else matters.  Tax the people out of their homes.  For GOD'S sake, don't let them have any say.

Odd, isn't it?

Jayne moronically reflects, to perfection, the democratian attitude about the bridge and loot rail, because, well, hell's bells, only the rag knows what's right and wrong and everybody else is stupid. 

Because it takes a monumental level of arrogance to write garbage like this:
Let’s cut past the rhetoric about the evils of a public-private partnership, past the bombast about an entertainment tax, past the caterwauling about how government should never do anything that costs anybody any money, and let’s get to the point: The idea of bringing minor-league baseball to Vancouver is a quality-of-life issue.
It's not a quality of life issue; it's a "I want baseball" issue.

See, Portland seems to have a "quality of life," don't they?

What baseball team do they have over there, again?


That's the problem with morons like Jayne, whose world view is limited to what THEY want usinmg OTHER people's money, to the exclusion of what the people signing the checks want.  Message to Jayne:  If you're so damned concerned about "quality of life" then you move YOUR ignorant ass to some location that has a Class A team (Class A, one step above high school) and YOU pay for it.
The next: (5 Jun 2012)

Jayne at the democratian makes himself look like a moron.

In yet another sign that the democratian's maneuvers to get a podunk baseball team here to screw us for the next several years with yet another unneeded, unnecessary tax have long since lost any pretense of what the rest of the world calls "journalism," the muckraker's sports editor goes out of his way to prove himself to be a dullard equal in intelligence to a board fence, or John Laird, whichever comes first.

A few days ago, Commissioner Tom Mielke made, in what appears to Jayne's "bend over, keep the Vaseline" eyes, some sort of major league "mistake" by failing to screw the people of this county by signing what he idiotically refers to as a "Three Stooges version of local government."

Proving that when it comes to "stooges," no one can beat Jayne.

In his eagerness to personally benefit from this quagmire by forcing the people of Clark County to pay millions in bogus taxes that will ultimately enrich his employer while further justifying his pathetic job existence, Jayne comes across like and ignorant, whiny punk, just another arrogant prick working for a completely out of touch rag that doesn't give the first damn what the people want if it interferes with what the rag wants... in this case, desperately needed ad revenue to temporarily keep their pathetic waste of wood pulp in business.

On one hand, this sniveling putz tells us:
It didn’t mean the county would be committed to the proposed 5 percent entertainment tax, which team owners say would be necessary to help fund a stadium. It didn’t mean the county would be committed to building said stadium. It didn’t mean the county is not committed to the neighbors near Clark College.

It just meant you won’t cheat on each other. What could be wrong with that?
On the other, this sniveling punk throws a fit because it didn't go his way.  If it's so "unimportant," then why does it matter so much?

The lie here is in direct proportion to the sniveling.

If this wise decision by the commissioners was so unimportant, then why is Jayne acting like such a jerk?

And the last: (21 Aug 2012)

More of Greg Jayne's pro-ballpark, screw the taxpayer idiocy.

Nothing like enlightened self-interest.

I would much rather we risk the wild pitch and get caught looking then to get hit with the chin music morons like you are shilling.

Where's YOUR demand that the newspaper be taxed? Or that those of you who will actually go to one of these amateur games actually pay for the facility? Or the concessionaires or the owners actually paying for it?

See Greg, that's the problem with slime who want what they want, as long as someone else is forced, without asking them, to pay for it.

Could we use a ballpark?

Maybe. Should it be in the proposed location? Of course not. If built, it should be built at the fair grounds.

Should the people who are NOT using it be taxed to benefit the Yakima Millionaires?

Absolutely not.

Should the sculls shilling this and demanding it be forced to pay for it?

Each of those 3 posts have more.

But the fact is that Jayne's transition to vice-hypocrite of the democratian will likely be seamless, given the arrogance and hypocrisy he showed during the ballpark debacle.

So, expect him to be the same kind of scum who lies, distorts, exaggerates and attacks opponents in violation of that despicable rag's on terms of use.

He has to be: if he wasn't, that slimeball Brancaccio wouldn't have hired him for the gig.


  1. typical of The Columbian - they replace one totally brain-dead puke with another totally brain-dead puke.

  2. Jacob6:02 PM

    I honestly wish Greg had stayed with sports. I'm counting down the days until Laird retires but I was thinking Stephanie Rice would replace Laird. Did not see this coming. Let's hope Greg is a bit more factual than Laird.


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