Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Rep. Jim Moeller's awesome demand of the CRC: "This time do it right. Do it legal. Do it over."

Juuuuust kidding.

That was his demand of Larry Pattela, who, having skippered a successful signature drive was again reminded that the Leave-it Gang isn't particularly interested in either democracy or putting light rail to the ballot since they already know the outcome, and it's an outcome they do not like.

In the end, the institutional ethics of the CRC Scammers like Moeller will be part and parcel of it's downfall.

A responsive government, claiming the initiative to be "illegal" (It's not, of course, but Mayor Leavitt would rather be dipped in molten chrome than want this question on the ballot at the same time he's up for re-election, so it BECOMES illegal by fiat.) SHOULD rewrite it to fix it and then put it on the ballot themselves... but that would be a "responsive" government,  unheard of in the City of Vancouver during the entirety of my residence here, some 25 years now.

The killing of Moeller's precious "Civil Rights Commission (Well done, I might add) has nothing to do with this effort.

It's not unlike the possibility that Moeller may have actually voted the right way for something... once... so how did he come up with the utter idiocy and stupidity of the "What is, what ain't" candy tax?

Besides unbridled arrogance, it's clear that Moeller doesn't care that 87% of those responding in the show poll that's blown up in the Columbian's face want a vote on all of this... and he's all about keeping us from getting one.

Just like, come to think of it, the rest of the CRC Scammers generally AND Tim Leave-it particularly.

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