Sunday, May 05, 2013

John Laird: off his game.

Words have meaning.

Misusing words also has meaning.

When the pro-CRC use words, there's an expectation that those of us opposed to this project can somehow be bludgeoned into line merely by repeating the same falsity over, and over, and over, again.

Thus, in this morning's falsity, when Laird leads with 
"Among multiple CRC fires that I've had to douse in recent weeks are the third-bridge theory (Oregon leaders would never allow a third bridge, and it would wouldn't solve the I-5 problem anyway) and the misguided mantra that we can't build a new bridge until the Rose Quarter bottleneck is relieved (if we adopted that theory, we'd never build any bridges)."
First, Mr. Laird has not "doused any fires."  On the contrary, his divisive, "them versus us" attitude and attacks against those wise enough to oppose his view have helped increase opposition, while decreasing circulation, immeasurably.  How, for example, is that cockroach thing working out for him?

Second, that Oregon MIGHT not allow a third bridge (which almost any sentient being acknowledges WILL take place at some point: now or 50 years from now, it's still going to happen) provides zero justification for this horrific project: in short, that Oregon refuses to do the right thing in no way results in any type of requirement that those of us in Clark County are somehow required to turn around and do the wrong thing.

Third, there is no mantra that "...we can't build a new bridge until the Rose Quarter bottleneck is relieved," save the one that Laird has just made up.

That the Rose Quarter is a traffic problem is undeniable.  But it is just one of the MANY reasons the CRC is a very bad idea that will accomplish nothing except to blow a $100,000,000 and increasing yearly hole in our local economy (Something that neither Laird nor anyone else rabidly in favor of this project has ever discussed, or even acknowledged) through the vaporization of that much in tolls to feed this monster... at the expense of 60,000 commuters, their families and the businesses depending on that income.

Fourth, throwing nonsensical, unsupported words at an issue does nothing to "douse" these fires when the words used have been discredited so much as to render them worthless.

And these?  They've been flattened as much as that little girl playing linebacker for Ft. Vancouver.

Every one of the other issues brought up by Laird, which I won't bother to repeat here, have been thoroughly discredited by so many others as to render Laird's words as utter nonsense.

Using the "related to the new bridge" defense, he doesn't care how tenuous or expensive or wasteful that "relationship" is.

Laird is so utterly gullible if he laps up the fiction from Nancy Boyd as if it justified, or meant anything.or, well "doused" anything.  Boyd explained nothing, justified nothing, just repeated the "screw the people of Clark County"mantra that Mr. Laird so loves to hear.

Unfortunately for Mr. Laird, the fire hose he believes he's whipped out is primarily aimed at his, and the now completely exploding heads of the fellow Scammers as this project is about to be buried in the Washington State Senate, proving once again that there is no lie they won't tell, no falsehood they won't broadcast in an effort to keep this thoroughly cancer-ridden project alive.

This.... is just another... example of that.  And after all these years, you'd think that a man of words could actually string a few together that meant something, instead of mailing it in by regurgitating tired, completely discredited talking points.

Frankly, it would have been more entertaining had he joined the Brancaccian "Hang Don Benton/David Madore on the same scaffold" crowd.

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