Thursday, May 02, 2013

Brancaccio's head explodes over the Benton appointment, comedy ensues.

I've got to tell you, watching the democratian slime bitch and moan is a genuine HOOT.  Even going so far as to put Friday's editorial up on Thursday night... yet another sign of Brancaccio's hatred-driven actions.

Lou Brancaccio has always hated Benton.  Always.  And when Brancaccio hates you, there's no end that lying bastard won't go to in an effort to hurt you.  He has a history of acting and writing on that hate, frequently picking targets who can't fight back against the ocean of ink this miscreant has available.  And that's what Brancaccio believes he's doing here.

We all know what's motivating you, Lou: if the selection had been a fellow CRC Scammer like Molehill or Identity Vancouver's Montague, you'd be doing handstands.  This level of vitriol, whipped up like the days of old with pitchforks and torches are the thing of deep-seated, deep-rooted hatred.

Having been the target of this scumbag, I know how petty this slimebag can be.  And now... now... this scumwad is wasting his time and ours unloading on Benton, Madore and Mielke... almost as if elections do NOT have consequences.

Well, here's a memo, just for you, Lou:

Elections DO have consequences.

That you and your fringe-left asshole buddies don't happen to like them is as meaningless as one of your columns.

But you have a record of lies, exaggerations and pettiness that goes back years since we were unfortunate enough to have you brought in to run what was supposed to be an honest newspaper organization instead of the cancer on this community that both you, and the Columbian, have sadly become.

Here's the thing, Lou: you can pitch a bitch all you like, but this all boils down to the critical paragraph that should have shut your piehole on this matter:
"However, the county provides a few exceptions to the requirement that job positions be publicly advertised, and says elected officials have the discretion to appoint department heads."
Benton's hire, then, is one of the exceptions that you both admit to an acknowledge.

So: what's motivating all the rest of this except that you're a petulant, childish, jerk?

You ADMIT they have the discretion to make this hire, thus further admitting they violated no law in making it.

And then, you get all pissy, bombarding Commissioners Madore and Mielke with your vitriol and garbage as if somehow, you can FORCE them to renege on the deal.

Well, here's the problem: you can't.

You have acted out of hatred for so long that even if you were worth listening to, no one would.

You do not have this community's best interests at heart.  The ONLY thing you care about is your illusion of power and how you despise those who fight your utopian, fringe-left vision.

Here's the thing, though, Lou: the last election kinda showed that you have no power.

The people of this county have spoken, over and over again.  That YOU don't want to hear the message... well, that's as meaningless as one of your columns.

In time, this thing will shake itself out.  And no amount of your childish pouting and petulant bullshit will make any difference, re-enforcing how utterly unimportant you... and your despicable rag really are.

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