Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why do the CRC Scammers have to lie? Ray LaHood/Jay Inslee/Jim Moeller idiocy

Look, we already know that Moeller is, perhaps, the biggest liar involved in the CRC Scam, but today's question is this: if this is such a great project... then why do they have to lie?

There was an article in the democratian and almost every pro-CRC Scam declarative statement in the article was a flat out lie or, at best, an outright exaggeration or completely relevant.

For example:
“We need to have people with vision step up and say: ‘Those who have worked for 12 years on this project deserve to have this project move ahead, because they’ve done all the hard work,’” LaHood said
Flat out lie.

It's not like they weren't paid for wasting our time, effort and money.  So, who cares if it stops now, except for the relative few that are getting rich off this garbage at taxpayer expense?

If only they had respected us enough to ask us before they started this stupidity, the US Secretary of Transportation would not look like an ignorant, blithering idiot.

You know, kinda like that moron that's Governor?  That guy?
“We are prepared to put millions of dollars into this project because it’s important to America.”
Flat out lie.

And yet, "America" ain't paying for it.  We are.

How weird is that?

We can waste billions on countries who would blow us off the map if they could figure out a way to make it happen, but we don't have enough to build a bridge?
“The one big defining issue is: Will the state of Washington step up with its commitment?” LaHood said. “This is the 11th hour. Fish or cut bait. Make a decision.”
We've made one.

It's "no."

Are you deaf?  Didn't you hear the GOP Caucus in the Senate this morning?
“There is no project like this in America,” LaHood said. “That’s why we love this project. We do. I talk about this project all over America.”
The reason there's no project like this in America is no one else was stupid enough, or gullible enough, to get bent over like the scum who are SUPPOSED to be looking out for us... instead of their friends.
When it comes to the CRC, “all the boxes are checked,” LaHood said. “All the bureaucratic red tape has been completed.”
Flat out lie.

Is the Coast Guard "box" checked?

How about the "mitigation" box?

How about the "height" box?
Although several Republican legislators from Southwest Washington oppose the CRC and want to see it redesigned, Inslee said the bridge should not be a partisan issue.
Correct.  Every democrat who actually cares about the people instead of their owners should oppose it as well.  So on that much, we can actually agree.
Inslee also has pointed out that the I-5 Bridge, built on wooden pilings nearly a century ago, poses a safety risk, and that the lift bridge regularly stops traffic on the interstate.
Flat out lie.

Look, I get that Moeller is a lying scumbag, but does that mean that Moron Inslee has to become one as well?

This myth has been shattered by ODOT's own study.  Why do these scum keep bringing this lie up?
“We’re either going to grow our economy and build this bridge, or we’re going to start to erode the transportation infrastructure, the I-5 corridor, the single-most important artery in the western United States,” Inslee said.
Flat out lie.

There's nothing wrong with the bridge we have now, which has the extra added advantage of being paid for.
A 116-foot span would still prevent a few businesses upstream of the bridge from moving some of their cargo down the Columbia River.
 And some 6000 permanent jobs that he fails to mention.
LaHood said on Wednesday that he’s been in meetings with the Coast Guard, and “I believe the issue with the Coast Guard will be resolved.”
Flat out lie, unless these scum are willing to jack the height up to 145 feet.
State Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver and a supporter of the CRC, said he acknowledges that securing money for the CRC this legislative session will be “an uphill battle,” but he said LaHood’s trip to Olympia to lobby on behalf of the CRC sent a powerful message.
Flat out lie.  The message that got delivered wasn't FROM him... it was TOO him.

And that message?

This crap pile ain't getting built.
“People who are against this bridge haven’t heard the federal government say ‘it’s now or never’ like that before,” Moeller said. “I think that’s why the secretary came, to bring pressure to bear on the bridges’ opponents.”
The "now or never" gag?

Flat out lie.  Everyone alive knows better.  Why do the bridge scammers have to lie about it?

The "pressure" part?

Didn't happen.

If Jesus Himself brought a lie, it would still be a lie.  LaHood accomplished absolutely nothing except to come out looking foolish and provide a way for that moron in the White House to waste more of his political capital on an already dead project.

It's this kind of rank stupidity, arrogance, lies and deceit that have killed this project from the getgo.

And in the end, the determination to ignore the people of this community as well as using scum to sell it will be the direct cause of it's demise.

Lying is never a way to sell something when everyone is paying attention.

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