Wednesday, April 03, 2013

When leftists are morons: local fringe left loses its mind over Madore keeping campaign promise.

When hatred drives you like it drives our local fringe leftists, it's tough to appear to have common sense.

For example:

Meet Commissioner David Madore (Republican)

Madore ousted fake Republican Marc Boldt and became our county commissioner from that district.

He ran on a platform that, among other things, promised to eliminate fees at the parks and boat launches controlled by the county.

He won.  It wasn't even close.

Now, when it comes to that blithering idiot in the White House, these same fringe-left nutters waste no time in telling us that "we" lost and "we" have to get over it.

Oddly, like most hypocrites, that's not a standard these clowns will apply to themselves.

Madore won.  He ran telling the voters that his plan was to eliminate these fees.

He was elected.  He's kept his word.

Meanwhile, Steve Stuart engaged in that bogus, utterly nonsensical crap like Obama, including class warfare:
Stuart offered up an amendment to wait for savings to come through a renegotiated interlocal agreement between the county and the city of Vancouver for operating its parks program.

Stuart said, "If the true goal of this is to help, and if there is support for actually being stewards of the general fund and not using general fund but instead using savings, and not shifting the burden onto our taxpayers," then the board should wait until Jan. 1, 2014, to implement the removal of fees.

When that amendment died after neither Madore nor Mielke seconded it, Stuart tried again with an amendment to offer only free parking for those who fall below an income threshold. That motion died as well.

Further amendments were offered by Stuart to remove boat launches or certain parks from the resolution. But they, too, fell on deaf ears.

By the end of his efforts, Stuart said he was frustrated by the lack of compromise his fellow commissioners exhibited. He said his efforts were made in an effort to minimize the impact to the general fund while still fulfilling the intent of the proposal originally brought forth by Madore.

For the past 4 years, Steve treated Tom Mielke the same way.  And now he's upset about a "lack of compromise?"

He'd likely better get used to it... until he becomes unemployed in a couple of years.

Move on. idiots.  Your democrat buddy, Boldt, lost, in part because not even YOU clowns would vote for him.

Well done, Mr. Madore.  You promised, and you kept your word.

If the leftist whack jobs don't like it, they can move.

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