Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Three lying mayors and the stench of desperation.

Guys, guys, GUYS!

It's over.  You lost.

Continuing to spout lies and already disproven CRC Scamming points (aka "talking points")  to shove the CRC Scam down our throats merely serves to galvanize the ever-growing opposition to your rip off plans.

Royce "No Choice" Pollard and Tim "The Liar" Leave-it have NEVER listened to us.  In fact, the scumbag current mayor of Vancouver is the WORST mouth for the CRC: to shill this rip off using a lying scumbag... a rank hypocrite... someone who censors the people because he doesn't want to listen... and will do everything he can to make sure there is no vote... suddenly want US to listen to HIM?

Not only no... but...

Hell no.

People don't want to listen to man who, if he were on fire, they wouldn't piss on to put out.

People believed in you, you lying son of a bitch... my warnings notwithstanding.  And YOU shit all over them when you betrayed them.

And now we... or the Senators... should listen to YOU?

You've got a screw lose, you slimy bastard.  I will continue to work all day, every day, to make sure this project is buried... and your political career with it.  The other two are long over, so they don't matter.

But you?

I am going to spend the rest of my life doing all I can to make sure you don't get elected 3rd grade hall monitor.  Whenever you run... I'm going to be out there.

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