Thursday, April 04, 2013

The rank hypocrisy of Jim Moeller and his buddy, Mike Briggs.

There is no bigger hypocrite in the entirety of the legislature then the 49th's communist Representative, Jim Moeller.

Here's today's rank hypocrisy from Scumwad Jimmy:

Jim Moeller ·  Top Commenter
It's so unfortunate that Liz takes this "grandstanding" tactic. Because this will not be a NTIB (Necessary To Implement the Budget) bill it will not see the light of day again for the two years of this legislature and only serves as a bully-pulpit for transportation critics. I had hoped for a more bi-partisian approach on a transportation revenue package... at least in the House.
For Jim Moeller to claim that anyone ELSE is "grandstanding" put's the "h" in hypocrisy.

Given the year's long effort to ignore the people and the fact that the CRC scum have been using THEIR "bully pulpit" (The democratian) to shill this scam literally, for years, why is it wrong for Rep. Pike to use hers to oppose your idiocy?

When you push a stupid, moronic theft of billions, Moeller, why you'd expect the GOP to join in on your political idiocy is a matter between you and your shrink.

And then along comes that total fringe-left moron Briggs:

  • Mike Briggs ·  Top Commenter · Freelance Writer at Freelance Writer
    Greg Owens, I agree with you Greg. I voted for Liz too, and she promised me directly, that she would represent my wants/desires too. Well, quite frankly, she has failed pretty much in that regard. 

    Now I believe the 18th really needs a balanced approach to our legislature with one Republican and One Democrat. I think this is the only way we are going to see some semblance of a fair approach for all citizens here in the 18th District. 

    I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
First, it takes a genuine retard to agree with anything a whack job like Greg Owens has to say.

Second, "representing your wants/desires too" does not mean ignoring the vast majority of her normal constituents.

And if YOU think you can win, oh my God, PLEASE run.  I am BEGGING you here.

My thoughts are that both you and Owens are ignorant, blithering idiots.  My thoughts are that you are the worst political hypocrite I know not elected, given that your "one Republican and one democrat" absurdity doesn't extend to the communist district your buddy represents.

Odd, isn't it?  You apparently have no concern for "balance" when a district is represented by your fellow nimrods, do you?  But that's what being a hypocrite is all about, right, Mikey?

Not to be outdone, our communist from the 49th goes on to re-invent the phrase "hypocrite" with this sewage: 

  • Jim Moeller ·  Top Commenter
    Mike: I don't believe I'm wrong. I believe I'm acturately[sic] representing the majority of my constituents who want that bridge built - yesterday. BTW, I fear only God - and you or the people are not.
Scumwad, were you "representing the majority of your constituents" when you sued them on the 2/3rd's vote requirement for tax increases?

Chances are that you may be "representing the majority of your constituents who want that bridge built."

The only problem, of course, is the overall majority of your constituents likely do not want that rip off built any more than they wanted your fringe-left ass to sue them over the initiative they had passed overwhelmingly.

And why is it that somehow, it's OK for YOU to "represent the majority of YOUR constituents," but it's somehow "bad" when Rep. Pike represents the majority of hers?

No double standards here, right?  

This is politics.

The politics of scum.

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget blocking the nomination of Jon Haugen,misleading delegates using erroneous claims to deny Haugen's nomination,doubling fees for drivers licenses/I.D. cards,forcing us into special session last time,not allowing a vote on CRC,etc.


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