Monday, April 08, 2013

The Mayor of Vancouver, Tim "The Liar" Leave-it, is certifiably insane.

So, perhaps THE most whiny, sniveling, lying piece of crap email I've ever seen has been pinging around Olympia today as the scumbag mayor of Vancouve4r sees all of his dreams crashing on the rocks of staunch opposition to the lies that are the CRC Scam

Read it for yourself, and then ask yourself:  why didn't this scumbag send a copy to Sen. Rivers and Sen. Benton?  And doesn't he get that Sen. King and Sen. Braun, all 4 of whom represent the vast majority of this county also loath this rip off of his?

This is an email of lies and exaggerations.  Of special note is the last bullet point, where this idiot shoots himself and his city directly in the middle of it's political head.

What a scummy asshole. 

It's just a shame you're going to cause the people of Vancouver to suffer because you're such a dick.  Good luck getting ANYTHING passed, you little worm.

From: Leavitt, Tim []
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 8:25 PM
To: Fain, Sen. Joe; Billig, Sen. Andy; Hobbs, Sen. Steve; Brown, Sen. Sharon; Carrell, Sen. Michael;; Harper, Sen. Nick; Litzow, Sen. Steve; Mullet, Sen. Mark; Rolfes, Sen. Christine; Schlicher, Sen. Nathan;; Smith, Sen. John
Cc: Eide, Sen. Tracey; King, Sen. Curtis
Subject: State Transportation Package and the Columbia River Crossing Project

Honorable Senators: 

I'm certain you've been inundated with many emails, phone calls and meetings regarding a statewide transportation package and the little project here in SW Washington, the Columbia River Crossing (CRC). Thank you for your efforts and your moment of attention to absorb my two Mayor of the fourth largest city in our State, nearly a lifelong resident of Vancouver and our State, and somebody who cares passionately about our people and our future:

?         In 2008....yes, five years ago....every elected body of representatives with a stake in the CRC project, endorsed a replacement bridge and light rail transit. Those decisions did not come lightly, came after significant NEPA analysis of numerous alternatives, and comes with the support of hundreds of business owners, neighborhood leaders and community advocates. I was one of those critics that demanded more accountability and alternatives analysis from the CRC.

?         Two independent assessments of the CRC have occurred....bringing in nationally acclaimed professionals from around the United States to evaluate the NEPA process and the planned project....and both have concurred in support of the CRC.

?         The 1917 and 1958 lift spans, and associated interchanges simply have not effectively handled yesterday's or today's traffic....much less the next 100 years of traffic and commerce.

?         Employers in SW Washington have been very candid with me. If the I-5 corridor is not updated and improved, they will not be looking to expand here and will consider relocation to areas that take their needs for efficient transportation seriously.

?         Thousands of jobs, $800+ million in economic commerce, $1.7 billion in funding from the Feds and the State of Oregon, and upwards of 15 hours of traffic congestion.....all hang in the balance of funding from our State.

?         The rhetoric you are hearing from opponents to the project simply has no basis, contorts the truth, or is outright lies.

?         The Feds and the Obama Administration have identified the CRC as one of the top priorities for our Nation, and remain committed to $850 million to construct light rail and some $400 million to build the bridge.

?         The NEPA process, and public involvement have been necessarily complex and expensive, and simply too long. Waiting further is no longer an option. Our public is frustrated and that is growing with each and every day of delay.

?         The Cost to our region and to our State, if this project does not advance this year...and thus does not advance at all....far, far outweighs the short term costs of construction impacts and tolling. The recent economic analysis completed by CRC confirms what those of us who understand business and economics understood.

?         Yes, there are a couple of SW Washington Senators that are opposed to this project. However, please understand that they do NOT represent, in any way, shape or form, an informed, balanced or "majority" perspective on this issue, and simply refuse to accept facts, studies and analysis. Nor have they demonstrated an understanding of the importance of an efficient transportation system to both rural and urban areas. In fact, as you're well aware, they are working diligently...through their efforts to sabotage the insure that both the rural farmers and the urban and economic hub of SW Washington toil in mediocrity for decades more. And, of course, a lack of improvement of this interstate highway has serious ramifications on every community, every business, every household in our entire this area serves as a primary hub of transit for commerce from every corner of our State. (Bold added)

Further delay is not an option, as has been clearly stated by representatives from the Federal Government and the State of Oregon. I can assure you that if the CRC, after 15 years of public process and over $150 spent in NEPA process, study and design, fails and federal monies are shifted to Atlanta or Hawaii, and our public and businesses are subjected to longer traffic snarls, the ensuing loud voices you will hear won't be from the fringe, uninformed and myopic...those voices demanding accountability will be from the business leaders, community leaders and thousands of citizens that face an unfortunate future. As you might imagine, it is quite infuriating to the many, many citizens of our region that have participated in the NEPA process (1,000+ meetings and 30,000+ public comments) to hear that individuals with no previous participation, no personal stake and not even located in our area....are making demands for a different project. 

I know these are difficult times to make decisions like these....reasoned and prudent decisions that may be a bit unpopular with certain constituencies.

But, making tough decisions is part of the responsibility of our service.

Please do the right thing....take the correct stand....and invest in our public and our future. 

I much enjoy the following quote from Abraham Lincoln: You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. 

Thanks much for your time.


Timothy D. Leavitt| Mayor
Mayor/City Manager's Office                                 
P.O. Box 1995 • Vancouver, WA 98668-1995

P: 360.487.8729 | F: 360.487.8625

1 comment:

  1. Jim Moeller is arrogantly wrong but you expect him to be. Leavitt is a scumbag because he is pretending to be a Republican. He needs to be dealt with.


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