Friday, April 19, 2013

The latest from the lying scum supporting the CRC Scam.

The democratian threw this garbage up tonight:
Interstate 5 "is a major freight route for the West Coast," Rep. Judy Clibborn, Democratic chair of the House Transportation Committee, said while speaking Friday in support of the CRC. "I know it's controversial. We need to think about how it affects the rest of the West Coast."
I've thought about it.  I don't care.  The "rest of the West Coast" ain't paying tolls on this fringe-left, social engineering idiocy.

"If transportation is the lifeblood of commerce, then when you get down to it, this bill is about commerce," said Paul Montague, of Identity Clark County. He said the federal government is ready to step up with its share for the CRC, and Oregon is ready to provide its share, too. "We need to move forward."
Montague has lied repeatedly about this rip off and he's lying now.  Not only has Oregon NOT stepped up"with it's share," they've capped what they WILL spend and are at least $20 million behind as it is.

This scam is about getting loot rail into Clark County.  This project won't do spit about "commerce," and that lying scumbag knows it.

On one thing I agree: we DO need to "move forward."

In this case, we need to "move forward" by building a 3rd and 4th bridge.

In the case of the CRC Scam, however, we need to bury it and politically bury all the scum shilling it.

Like Paul Montague.
Kim Capeloto, executive vice president of Riverview Community Bank; Kelly Parker, president of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce; and Melinda Merrill, a lobbyist with Fred Meyer, also asked the committee to support the CRC.
Well, that's 3 organizations I will never spend another dime in.
Merrill said Fred Meyer has 120 stores throughout Washington state, and 100 of the company's trucks cross the Interstate 5 Bridge over the Columbia River each week. Relieving I-5 congestion by updating the outdated lift bridge would save Fred Meyer tens of thousands of dollars in fuel costs and $50,000 in labor costs each year, Merrill said.
I had no idea that Fred Meyers was so fricking gullible.

What I need to have Fred Meyers explain is how saving 60 seconds on the commute and paying $20 per truck, per trip, will save them a dime.
Brian Willoughby, a spokesman for Legacy Salmon Creek, said the I-5 Bridge is dangerous for commuters. Each year, 400 vehicle accidents happen on and near the bridge, which lacks shoulder lanes. Willoughby also said the bridge hurts emergency responders' ability to quickly transport patients between Vancouver and Portland.
Wiloughby is delusional: taking 60 seconds off the commute isn't going to change the trouble they have to "quickly transport patients" anywhere... but it WILL make it a lot more expensive.
Vancouver high school students Casey Decker and Dylan Koester told legislators that they support the CRC and the project's current design, which extends Portland's light rail line into Vancouver.
They are both children, and frankly, nobody cares what they think.
"I like light rail, and I want it in Vancouver," Decker said. "It's an inexpensive alternative for people who can't or don't own cars."
Then move to Portland, idiot.

Not one sent is going to be spent on construction for this rip off, no matter how much these scum snivel about it.

Like Montague babbled... "we need to move forward," but only on a plan that will actually work.

1 comment:

  1. Quote---- “100 of the company's trucks cross the Interstate 5 Bridge over the Columbia River each week”
    JK---------That is 5200 crossings per year and it costs them $50,000 in labor.

    I got news for those math challenged idiots: Tolls at $20/truck are going to cost you twice as much, $104,000/yr. Can’t you guys do grade school math?? Or are you too committed to sucking up to government to get favors that you don’t care?

    Quote---- "I like light rail, and I want it in Vancouver," Decker said. "It's an inexpensive alternative for people who can't or don't own cars."
    JK---------Actually light rail costs over 5 times the cost of a car, only the taxpayers pick up most of that difference.



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