Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The democratian inadvertently sums up the CRC Scam.

As part of their wasting-time-on-a-dead-CRC-Scam campaign, the democratian jacked the decibels again today, foolishly for them but amazingly for us, summing up the entirety of this rip-off from start to finish in a single paragraph.
Like many political events, this was a carefully orchestrated affair.(referring to the first paragraph: "Gov. Jay Inslee entered a meeting room at the Vancouver Community Library to a standing ovation. About two dozen local politicians and business leaders cheerfully shook hands with the new governor as he made his way to the head of the table. The applause continued until Inslee took his seat.")  Inslee had summoned a hand-picked group of supporters to make their case for the megaproject during a “business roundtable.” Inslee, a strong supporter of the CRC’s $3.4 billion plan to replace the Interstate 5 Bridge, spoke like a man putting his clout into a fight he knows isn’t won. At one point, he urged people to use sheer political force as the years long debate around the project reaches a climax.
It was a "carefully orchestrated affair."

Precisely like the entirety of the CRC Scam in the first place: the plan they're doing their best to ram down our throats was the only plan considered.  Period. since the entire basis for this scam was to stuff loot rail down Clark County's collective throat.

The CRC has always been a "carefully orchestrated affair,"

Since public input has resulted in zero design or other implementation changes because of the CRC POLICY of minimizing and ignoring public input.

It was a "carefully orchestrated affair" where Governor Moron preached to a tiny choir, ignored anyone not supporting his agenda, and received fawning lamestream media coverage that parenthetically served to point our the idiocy of this entire project...

It was a "carefully orchestrated affair" designed to keep the opposing public out and at bay... because Governor Moron doesn't want to hear it from anyone who doesn't think (if you can call it that) like he does.

Here's the problem: Inslee has no clout to throw.

As governors go, this clown is as dumb as a box of rocks.  Nothing galvanized Senate opposition more than bringing in Obama lackey Ray LaHood, as if the Majority Caucus would just swoon that a lame duck (LaHood announced he's leaving three months ago) transportation secretary came in to babble disproven CRC Lies, offering nothing new, and nothing not known, while ignoring the multiples of reasons why this rip off should not happen.

Sources tell me that he's personally lobbying Senators who realize that he's got nothing, and who are not moved by his appeal.

In the end, the more involved he gets in this scam, the greater the weight of yet ANOTHER crushing political defeat for this faux governor in a clown suit.   (How'd his gun control scam work out?)

This is a fight he should have stayed out of, because it's a fight he is going to lose.  And part of the reason he's going to lose it is because those shooting off their collective mouths the most: the communist liars representing the 49th District, Tim "THE Liar" Leave-it, Paul "Identity Vancouver" Montague and the like have been shown to BE liars over and over and over again.

Now, Inslee gets lumped in with them: not because this community needs this scam; on the contrary, this rip off would accomplish nothing while delivering a crushing blow to the businesses who exist on the disposable income that tolls will vaporize if this crap pile moves forward... 45 years or so of ever-increasing tolls to gain a few seconds off the commute... not to mention that the entirety of this program is nothing more than a scam to get loot rail into Clark County.

But because these clowns could give Goebbels lessons on lying.  They are a classroom example of an effort to get people to believe something by repeating lies over and over and ov3er again, while deliberately ignoring those in the opposition, Rule 5'ing them as much as possible and doing anything and everything they can to get this crap pile built.

Inslee is becoming the local version of Obama: you know he's lying because his lips are moving.  And by this time next week, the entire state is going to know how worthless he really is... and how much of a joke the CRC Scam has turned out to be.

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