Thursday, April 18, 2013

Of course the city... and Leave-it... won't allow this to go to the ballot.

The Vancouver City Council is owned and primarily operated by CRC Scamming Scum.

Tim "The Liar" Leave-it is rather stupidly running for re-election.

Everyone alive and older than the age of 6 is aware that he's a lying slimeball; how he defrauded the voters by fooling them into believing that he actually opposed tolls.

This blogger knew at the time he was lying: you can't support construction of a bridge knowing that there would be no bridge without tolls; you cannot say that "if" tolls are required to build the bridge, you won't oppose it's construction and actually MEAN it when you say you don't want tolls.

Yet, The Liar did all of those things, and then claimed he magically didn't know that he liked tolls until after he was elected... an utter, out-and-out lie.

There is absolutely no way he will allow this thing to go to the ballot in November.  None.

Because The Liar knows that nothing would bring out the anti-rip off vote... hence, the anti-Liar vote... like putting this on ballot.  As a result, he and the other CRC Scammers will stall, appeal, lie, cheat... you name it: they'll do whatever it takes to keep this off the ballot.

Like the CRC scam itself, The Liar's effort to keep this issue off the ballot has nothing to do with "law," or "council authority," and everything to do with him saving his own political ass, the people he would govern be damned.

Leave-it would sell his own mother to stay in office.  Unless he's mayor, the CRC contractor he works for wouldn't need him, any more; just like if he screws up the CRC scam, they won't need him, either.

But that's the thing: like the CRC Scam isn't about addressing congestion, freight mobility, or that bogus earthquake lie; Leave-it's efforts to completely ignore the people of Vancouver are based on his obsession to remain in office... and nothing more.

1 comment:

  1. The problem is that if they launch a legal challenge, it may not be decided before the August deadline for putting it on the 2013 ballot. That means uncertainty on the future of the project until it is on the ballot in 2015, or until a court decides against (unlikely) the initiative.

    The Feds are unlikely to give light rail money while a vote on light rail is pending.

    A second complication is the County being likely to also put a measure on the ballot.



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