Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kitzhaber is obviously confused. What happened to "safety?"

Talk about sheer stupidity.  And here I thought Inslee was an idiot.

Babbling the EXACT wrong thing at PRECISELY the wrong time, Oregon's "just want to live with her" Governor threatens to kill the CRC Scam if there's no loot rail on it.

Gee.  What a surprise.

So, all of the OTHER alleged "reasons" to replace this bridge have just been proven to be a lie by Oregon's Governor.

Well DONE!

I guess it's not about "safety."

It looks like it's not about "earthquakes."

Doesn't seem to be about "freight mobility" (Man, I bet Fred Meyers and the trucking companies supporting this idiocy feel stupid NOW. eh?)

And it's certainly not about "congestion," is it?

So, what's it about?

Looks like it's about loot rail to me.

See, he's GOT to say that because when loot rail is taken off the scam, then the deal... the "we have to give Vancouver a new bridge as a condition to get loot rail into Clark County" deal... falls apart.

Here's the thing, gov: we don't care.

You want to kill the bridge if we're smart enough to trash loot rail?


I'm down with that.

Go ahead.  We'll live.

Politically, they'll be a bunch of folks on this side of the Big Water who are likely to be rolled over because they were instrumental in wasting the better part of $200 million... but hey, no skin off YOUR nose... right, Governor?

 Go ahead.  I double-dog dare ya, you putz.

Kitzhaber: Without light rail, new span across Columbia is history

Comments come as Washington Legislature considers project funding

Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber's office says a proposed $3.4 billion Columbia River Bridge will die if Washington state tries to remove light rail from the project.
The fantasy view of the CRC Scam that was never going to look like this to begin with.
Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber's office says a proposed $3.4 billion Columbia River Bridge will die if Washington state tries to remove light rail from the project.

Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber

OLYMPIA — Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber's office says a proposed $3.4 billion Columbia River Bridge will die if Washington state tries to remove light rail from the project.

"Governor Kitzhaber has been clear from the start: No light rail. No project. No kidding," Tim Raphael, a spokesman for Kitzhaber, said in a statement released Monday.

The Interstate 5 bridge between Vancouver and Portland has been in the works for years, and its fate appears to largely rest on whether Washington state agrees to put up $450 million as its share of the cost.

Democrats support the move, but the GOP-controlled majority in the state Senate has said it will reject any bridge proposal containing light rail.

The comments from Kitzhaber's office came as the Washington Legislature nears the end of its 105-day regular session. There's growing talk by lawmakers of going into a special session because of a wide gulf between House and Senate operating budget proposals.

House Transportation Chairwoman Judy Clibborn, D-Mercer Island, said it's possible, but unlikely, that the Legislature will act on an $8.4 billion transportation tax package before the session ends Sunday. The proposal includes money for the Columbia River project.

It takes a special kind of stupid to inadvertently verify everything the opponents have been saying while undercutting your supporters.

All the arguments for this have just been dumped into the laps of the CRC Scammers.  Because if ANY of them were true... then loot rail wouldn't be the deal breaker.

But then, the supporters have been a special kind of stupid as it is, so I guess it serves them right.

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