Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jim "Molehill" Moeller screws the middle class... again... and takes credit for it!

It is to our shame that the sheeple of the 49th District ever elected this arrogant, megalomaniac in the first place: for whatever the reason, this neo-communist district keeps sending back a clown who would cause Stalin to roll his eyes and say the Russian equivalent of, "Are you kidding me?"

Molehill's latest idiocy that he is so proud of is an abortive attempt to screw the middle class in the midst of an increasingly horrific economy, both locally and nationally.

Hundreds of millions of new taxes, including jacking up the gas tax another dime and forcing us to pay hundreds of dollars to renew our tabs; that's the grand vision of this slimy communist.  And on top of everything else, this worm is proud of it.

This idiocy is DOA in the Senate, of course: scum like Molehill have yet to read the memo.  I'll reprint it here:

The CRC is dead.

Molehill, if you have any questions, refer to the memo.

Here's the article on this debacle, followed by Molehill's take on his own stupidity:


  • Lew Waters ·  Top Commenter · Works at Stateside Associates Best Local Politics Blog
    Shouldn't the headline more accurately read, "Wash. House approves middle class tax increases to raise money?
    • Jim Moeller ·  Top Commenter
      Yep. Almost ALL of the bills were supported on a bi-partisian vote except the estate tax. Established by the people through and iniatitive in 2006 the clarification on state estate taxes (single or married) STARTS at 2 million dollars per estate... I wish I was such "middle class"!
    • Lew Waters ·  Top Commenter · Works at Stateside Associates Best Local Politics Blog
      And yet, Jim, every time Democrats target the wealthy for income confiscation, it is the middle class that pays.

      Just as happened in 1990 with the Democrats Luxury Tax.

      You always decimate the middle class and then cry it is the other guys fault.

      Why don't you just confiscate all of the wealth and income in the state and get it over with?
    • Jim Karlock ·  Top Commenter
      If you really represent the middle class, why are you pushing a $2000/yr commuter tax on people just trying to get to work across the river?
      Especially since that tax is only needed to finance light rail & unneeded interchange rebuilds.



Terry Miller ·  Top Commenter · Owner at Sos Pest Service
If the state would cut back on wasteful spending they could balance the budget without robbing from the working people. Make Washington a right to work state to help business create jobs, then people will have money to spend and the states collects sales tax's. but no the state wants to take everyone's money so the people can't spend and the state go's deeper in debt.
  • Jim Moeller ·  Top Commenter
    Error Terry. Did you just open a right-wing hand book and list what the legislature should do? Right-to-Work? Are you serious? All the states that have tried that approach have an increase in poverty! That's the wrong direction.
  • Lew Waters ·  Top Commenter · Works at Stateside Associates Best Local Politics Blog
    Yes Jim, Right to Work.

    If unions want members, they should compete for them, not mandate them.

    Or is freedom of choice only for abortions?
  • Lew Waters ·  Top Commenter · Works at Stateside Associates Best Local Politics Blog
    Tell us, Jim, if unions are really so beneficial, so grand for workers, why is membership a requirement in order to hold a job?

    If your view is the honest truth, wouldn't workers be flocking to them instead of having to be forced to join them?

    Right to work does not ban unions, it gives workers a choice.
  • George Kolin ·  Top Commenter · Stevenson High School
    Fairness for whom?
    • Jim Moeller ·  Top Commenter
      For the true middle class, George. Not the "middle class" that inherits an estate worth over 2 million dollars...that they have done nothing to earn except being born into it - they should be grateful.
    • Marc Lein ·  Top Commenter · Vancouver, Washington
      Nope, nothing creepy about someone from the government telling other private citizens that "they should be grateful."
    • Andrew Skeels ·  Top Commenter
      Rep. Moeller...born into what? A father or mother who worked to provide a great future for their children and want to pass down financial reward is not evil. Those who feel like that they can pickpocket are. Rep. Moeller stay out of our checkbooks. Dems seem go by the rule that all people are created equal until you actually make something out of your life, then you are obligated to pay for those sit on their duffs and smoke weed all day.
    • Chelle Christianson ·  Top Commenter · Salmon Creek, Washington
      Jim Moeller Unbelievable. So even if taxes were paid during the building of said estate, the recipient must pay taxes to receive it? AND BE GRATEFUL? Paying for something that has already been paid for?
    • Jim Moeller ·  Top Commenter
      Yep. I call it "The Grateful Inheritance Tax". Grateful my family was a success! Grateful my neighbors helped pay for the roads and bridges and schools and parks and electricity and water and sewers and police protection and fire protection, etc that helped me become a success because NO ONE built their success by themselves - NO ONE. And being grateful enough to pay their fair share for the next generations of successes. Gratitude can be difficult to learn. It requires self-less-ness, not self-ish-ness.
    • Mike Satre ·  Top Commenter · Vancouver, Washington
      Oooh! Class envy is saved for losers. I guess you need an excuse for your lack of success. Why do you feel so entitled to the fruits of other's labor? Did you earn it? If not you're stealing it.
    • Lew Waters ·  Top Commenter · Works at Stateside Associates Best Local Politics Blog
      Would that be link your gratitude to constituents when you sued them to invalidate their votes instead of acting on their behalf and proposing a constitutional change in support of their clearly stated wishes they voted in 5 times?

      Where is your gratitude when you charge taxpayers for your dry cleaning or draw per diem sitting around waiting on a vote for a budget?

      Seems that gratitude is only something you feel others should have to justify your confiscation of other peoples labor.

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