Friday, April 12, 2013

How do you know Obama's lying: His lips are moving. Shades of Benghazi - Diplomat's death story changes.

It never ends.



Story of American Diplomat's Death in Afghanistan Changes

9:37 AM, APR 12, 2013 • BY DANIEL HALPER
State Department employee Anne Smedinghoff was killed in Afghanistan last weekend. At first reports suggested the young diplomat was part of an armed convoy that was bombed, but new reports say that she was actually on foot. And that the group she was with got lost on its way to deliver books.
ABC reported earlier in the week:
Afghan security officials told ABC News that the State Department convoy had just left its headquarters in Qalat and joined the convoy of the local provincial governor who was also headed to the school book giveaway.
That's when two suicide attackers attacked the convoy. The security officials said there was an initial car bomb detonated by a remote device. Then a suicide bomber wearing a suicide vest appeared and caused more casualties.
Afghan sources say the school event had been announced a day in advance, which possibly allowed attackers enough time to plan the attack.
CBS had a similar version:
And now a local ABC affiliate in Chicago, where Smedinghoff was from, says the diplomat was on foot:
Diplomat Anne Smedinghoff of River Forest was on foot when she was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan.

Officials said Smedinghoff and her group were on foot and not in an armored vehicle when they were killed last weekend, according to witnesses and U.S. officials interviewed by McClatchy newspapers. One of the witnesses is an Afghan TV reporter who says they were lost while walking from a book-donation event.
The McClatchy report cited by ABC reads:

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