Thursday, April 18, 2013

Here's what the Moron-in-Chief has done to the Navy.

There's just no words.  None.

Read it and weep.

I know I did.

Thursday, April 18, 2013
Task Force KAFKA: the strange case of the wandering IG

It is time.

Someone has to do this, so why not me?

Everyone go get a fresh cup of coffee; close the door; put the phone to voice mail - and let's dive in.

Post FOIA, go ahead and follow the click for the NAVINSGEN 201203467 Senior Official Investigation Commander Strike Group THREE 8 Feb 2013 - or just read below. Either way, you'll need it as we'll be discussing by paragraph.

I want you to keep this in mind for the rest of this post as it is critical for all that follows; the core of this IG is in para. 1. Scroll to it then come back ... I'll wait.

All else is secondary to this central initiating charge; "Complainant alleged that Subject was an abusive leader ... "

That is, in the end, what this is all about. The Complainant did not like that the Senior Officer Present Afloat (SOPA), the Subject, called him on his unnecessarily hazardous shiphandling while SOPA was there and ultimately accountable for anything that followed - something every 1/C MIDN understands.

Officers, keep this in mind as well to how we came to this point. Remember what we teach about conflict resolution and redress of grievances. Keeping to the lowest level and try to resolve via an informal process first, then formal. In broad strokes, correct? Correct.

In this case, the Complainant just blew this off.  Nowhere do I see where he talked to the Chief of Staff or the next superior in the Chain of Command first. No, he did two things; 1) immediately selected the nuclear option and initiated an IG and 2) in a spiteful and knowingly ruinous manner, then using his interpretations of private conversations between him and the Subject, rolled in unrelated, highly subjective, and unprovable allegations that were related to the 3rd rail of the Navy; (D)iversity.

To h3ll with the Attorney General and his desire to have us not, "be a nation of cowards" about race - oh no - not in the Navy. You are to be a coward and to be in receive only - even in private conversations - as will be demonstrated in detail, but I'm getting ahead of myself.  Let's look at the allegations.

In para 5, there are four Allegations. #1 is what could best be looked at as a "General Article" i.e. NAVREGS, Article 1131, Exemplary Conduct. That is more or less the Executive Summary.
Much more here:

This is from a blog, well-respected in military circles, that I've been following literally for years.

And this is an inside snapshot of what the military generally and the Navy particularly has become, thanks to the fungus that is President Obama.

And when they plant the tombstone of this once great country, they can place upon it:

"Well, at least they used 'diversity' as a weapon."

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