Sunday, April 21, 2013

Democratian lies continue: Pick up the pace on the CRC Scam.

So many lies in so few lines.


Last weeks lying poll justifies absolutely nothing for either side.  The idea that ANYTHING save the continuing destruction of the CRC Scam is just another in the years-long series of lies the democratian propaganda organ continues to pump out with every CRC Scam opinion piece they do.

As I predicted:

In the event it:
2.  It'll come back roughly even.

If the poll shows that their position is supported by even ONE person, these people will act like it's a crushing defeat of the anti-side.

If the poll comes back where the anti-side wins narrowly, this rag will find any way possible to claim it's ahem, you guessed it, as a crushing defeat for the anti-side.
They ignore the most telling of their own responses:

That is, 87% of all respondents demand a vote.


That particular result isn't mentioned in their moronic screed today, because, well, even though that's their own figure, it's one of those typically inconvenient facts that stretch from the true reasons for this scam (Extending loot rail into Clark County) to the lie they keep repeating that 
"The Big Divide" provided a positive stimulant for Clark County, extending a community conversation that becomes more inclusive each day.
A proven lie based on the fact that the CRC Scum had a policy of minimizing public input and, in fact, cannot show where ANY public input was adopted for ANY reason.

These scum refuse to publish the cross-tabs, making this garbage typically worthless.

So, they demand, based on their lies, that the CRC step it up; that the opposition be steam rolled precisely the same way these scum have been steam rolling the people of this community on the entirety of their agenda for decades.

When you have a newspaper of lies, publishing numbers they arrange to make up or manipulate to support those lies is just another meaningless gesture.

The senate is properly manipulating this process into a death spiral.  The Coast Guard will not approve the CRC Scam's efforts to choke up-river commerce to make it easier to get loot rail into Clark County; any permit they issue on such a plan would be immediately challenged and overturned in the first federal court as a violation of maritime law.

They know it, and at least at some level, the CRC Scammers know it.

Here's the fact of the matter: there is no hurry.  None.

It's far better to get the right projects in (building a 3rd and 4th Bridge) than it is the wrong projects (replacing a functional, safe and PAID FOR bridge with one that comes complete with a mufti-generational debt that will create an economic black hole where Clark County used to be, all the while decreasing the commute time by an entire 60 seconds as a result of the billions and billions we're going to get raped for as this money is stolen out of our wallets against our will.

No amount of democratian-applied lipstick on this pig will change it from a pig: lying, fake, manipulated numbers won't do it: there will be zero dollars in this budget for construction and Oregon is already in the neighborhood of $20 million behind in holding up their end, just another inconvenient truth these scum choose to ignore.

.The pact that SHOULD be "picked up" is the pace to destroy this project and those scamming it.

We should vote any and every CRC Scammer out of office.

We should never buy another copy of the democratian, and we should boycott those business either supporting this idiocy (Fred Meyers, Smokey's Pizza immediately come to mind) or who advertise in that scummy rag known as the Columbian.

The editors of the democratian should acknowledge that the scum who came up with the idiotic, unworkable design they so favor have been paid for it, therefore have no bitch coming; and that "public involvement" has been a canard that has availed us nothing since their policy has always been to minimize and ignore the public, just like the rag's policy has always been to attack and belittle those who have made the effort to put this to the ballot... which, in the end...

... is the only "poll" that matters.

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