Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Another week goes by: where's our Cowardly Congresswoman?

As the CRC rolls to a full boil, where's our local congressional waste of skin?

Jaime Herrera has been and continues to be a disaster.  She's all bluster, all smoke, all mirrors and no action.

She'll jump all over and waste time on relatively unimportant grandstanding plays that are going no where like the Pearson Air Museum issue.... she'll lie to get re-elected like Tim "The Liar" Leave-it and Steve Stuart, both of whom promised but failed to deliver on their campaign positions, she'll occasionally send out another press release, but besides that, she has been utterly, completely worthless, accomplishing absolutely nothing.

It's unfortunate.

People wander around in a daze, wrongly believing our congresscritter opposes any aspect of this situation when she clearly, through her years-long inactivity (She's now on her 6th year of failure) actually and clearly supports this rip-off, and she continues to do absolutely nothing to impact THE most important fiscal issue confronting the people of Clark County today.

"Opposition" MUST be more than just words.  It must be action.

Where's this moron's bill to require an investigation into the corruption of this project?  Where's her bill requiring the bridge be built tall enough for all commerce to pass under it?  Where's her bill to strip loot rail off this waste of billions or her bill to require an additional SEIS?

Obviously, this coward fears Leave-it and/or the democratian: Any congresswoman with courage or concern for her constituents would have been out front on this at ELAST as much as she's out front on a Museum that few knew existed and even fewer ever went to.

I never thought I'd ever see the day where I actually missed the Cowardman Brian Baird.

But he, at least, held town hall meetings for the most part.

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