Friday, April 05, 2013

Another week goes by, and our Phantom Congresswoman remains out of sight on the CRC scam. Another name change in the offing?

I get that our worthless cardboard cutout of a congresswoman views her current job as just another line on her resume'.

I get that she's a terrified little girl, unable to form a coherent thought or speak without Casey Bowman's hand up her back like Jeff Dunham and Achmed the Dead Terrorist:

I get that she's a coward, cringing at the very thought of open town hall meetings, factually facing her constituents.

But SHE is the one who lied to us about what she would do based on the outcome of the CScam tax issue.

This thing is on full boil.  It's the lede in almost every media cycle, politically.

What has she done to put an end to this garbage?


And where's our congresscritter?

No where.

The same place she's been on sequestration.  The same place she's been on Women in combat, the same place she's been on ending DADT.  The same place she's been on Obama's abysmal handling of the economy, or Obamacare, or gasoline prices, or medicare or any number of other issues that impact us every single day.

No where.

Maybe she should add yet ANOTHER name to her list.

She went from Jamie Herrera (Half-hispanic... need to keep that part for political reasons)

To "Jaime Herrera-Beutler" Got married, afraid to offend GOP traditionalists, she had to at least add her husband's name somewhere while keeping that hispanic name in place so people won't forget that, in addition to her reproductive organs, she is, well, part hispanic.

And now, she should change it again to Jaime Herrera-Beutler-No-Where.

Because that would be the most descriptive name yet.

Because that's where she's been on the issues that matter most to those she would "represent."

No where.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:06 PM

    A little different than Senator "everywhere" Rivers and Representative "everywhere" Pike!!!!!!


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