Sunday, March 31, 2013

The idiocy of gender-based political bigotry: Four join women's PAC board.

How bizarre: women demand equality, and then implement policies of exclusion to get it.

Gender bigotry is still bigotry.  "Men Only" clubs are illegal, but "Curves" gyms are encouraged.

What if this was a "whites only" PAC?  What if this was a "men only" PAC?

Some reading this might think that I'm some sort of misogynist.  On the contrary, I believe in absolute equality as opposed to the situational variety so extremely sought after by groups like this.

An individual's plumbing has absolutely nothing to do with their suitability for election.

I do not strongly support my state senator, Ann Rivers and Rep. Liz Pike because of their reproductive organs... particularly since I so strongly oppose Rep. Brandon Vick's continued waste of time in office because his reproductive capability is different.

I support them because they are absolutely the best people available for the job.  That's all I see.

But groups like this one further the division between genders in politics.  If, for example, what they're doing is somehow laudable, then why wouldn't the same be said of men supporting men only because of THEIR gender?  Why would that be different?

And that goes to the situational equality I refer to.

In the military, it's "gender norming," where women dong the same jobs don't have to meet the male standards.

In the US today, it's a lack of fighting for TRUE equality at EVERY level, like women marching in the street to demand the right to register for the draft.

The very idea that a group would be organized because of race, color, creed or gender is the very height of bigotry... no different that the Klan except by mean.

This isn't something to be celebrated: it is, instead, something to be ashamed of, that women are so weak that they have to have support NOT based on merit... but instead, based on reproduction.

Pathetic.  And I will not vote for any candidate accepting a dime from these biddies.

Just sayin'.

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