Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pro CRC shillers take another shot in the nards: Tolls have to get legislative approval..

... and that ain't happenin' any time real soon.

For Immediate Release:                                  For Interview Contact:

March 12, 2013                                          Sen. Pam Roach (360) 786-7660

Toll-dependent Columbia River Crossing halted by Roach inquiry

OLYMPIA… Despite the Supreme Court’s decision last month to throw out the Initiative 1185 requirement two-thirds vote for tax increases, it is now required that certain transportation fee and toll increases be approved by the Legislature. This includes the proposed Columbia River Crossing Project.

 “This should be a big wake up call to proponents of the CRC project and similar projects throughout the state,” said Sen. Pam Roach, R-Auburn. “In response my inquiry to the attorney general’s office, I received a letter written by the Office of Financial Management on March 8 stating that the Transportation Commission no longer has the authority to impose tolls needed to fund the CRC due to provisions in I-1185.”

On Dec. 5, Roach requested an opinion from the Attorney General’s office regarding certain toll projects that might be impacted by the voter-approved initiative. It took the OFM 90 days to respond that certain agency fees were now under the authority of the Legislature, rather than government agencies.

 “While I-1185 limited tax increases to a two-thirds vote in the Legislature, that mandate was overturned as unconstitutional by our Supreme Court,” said Roach. “But, as stated by OFM, all new and increased tolls must be passed by the Legislature.

As a result, Roach pointed out, fees and tolls cannot be raised or imposed on projects such as the Interstate 405 high-occupancy vehicle lanes, the Alaskan Way Viaduct, the proposed CRC, and the Tacoma Narrows Bridge without legislative approval currently.

“The Legislature would have to again divest itself of the authority to impose and increase tolls to escape this responsibility,” Roach said. “They have done that in the past, but through I-1185, that power was returned to the Legislature.”

Roach pointed out that even if the CRC receives the funding from the Oregon and Washington legislatures, and the matching funds from the federal government, funding the project is still completely dependent on tolling.

“Clark County legislators have been talking for years about how this project ignores the will of the people. The people want legislators making the final decision regarding tolling because they can hold them accountable,” she continued. “They don’t want unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats making these decisions. The decision by OFM means that bills will be introduced, hearings given, and legislators will have their votes recorded.”

Roach will be forwarding the letter from OFM to the Transportation Committee Tuesday. She will also attend the Transportation Committee meeting on March 19.


For more information contact Sen. Roach’s office at (360) 786-7660 or pam.roach@leg.wa.gov.

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