Sunday, March 10, 2013

John Laird, Pit Yorkie: full on in the moron zone.

Few among us have damaged this community more outside the downtown mafia and Lightheels Lou Brancaccio than John Laird, pit yorkie and lying fringe-left scumbag extraordinaire.

A published asshole, Laird today attacked Mielke for wanting to emulate what the legislature and Congress does every day: have an opening invocation for board hearings.

This scumbag's take?
Lord, help us — Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke says he wants board hearings to open with invocations. Hey, how 'bout some benedictions, too?  It's time to roll out the same old reminder that's needed every time a politician starts preaching about prayer in public meetings: Mielke is free to pray any prayer he wants, to any deity he chooses, before, during and after any and all board hearings. I don't know how much more freedom of religion he could want than that.
Ah, but we all know what Mielke really wants, don't we? Yeah, he wants everyone else to pray along with him.
It's time to remind buttwipes like Laird that is you don't want to pray, no one is forcing you to do so, what Tom may want notwithstanding.

Perhaps you should set yourself on fire in protest?

 And then this evidence of his fringe-left whacker brain damage:
Another reason for term limits — Left out of last week's column advocating term limits for Congress was this reality: With term limits, members of Congress would worry less about being "primaried." This fear rumbles in the belly of every senator and representative. Both parties are plagued by it, but these days the fear is especially rampant among Republicans. Many are kept on the fringe of policy stances because drifting to the ideological center, or compromising with the enemy, will result in some Tea Party whack-a-mole popping up in the next primary. And primaries are where radicals make their big moves. With term limits, this fear subsides and, theoretically, would be replaced by productive governing.
Typical of leftist scum like Laird, they completely overlook the critical elements that first, this same kind of thing happens on the left (idiot) AND term limits would do nothing to stop it.

Has anyone checked this slimeballs THC levels BEFORE he types on his word processor?

 Then this interference in something that is none of his business:
Cutting off the nose — Far be it from me to lecture the 53.4 percent of Battle Ground voters who rejected last month's school levy, but I have a few questions. Were you just being vindictive? And is being the only school district out of 50 across the state last month to reject a school levy a source of pride for you? Do you honestly believe cutting $16 million from the budget, and losing another $6 million in matching state funds, will improve the quality of education in your district? Did you understand that it was a replacement levy and not a new levy?

Also, do you think this vote improves or diminishes the reputation of your community? Does it inspire great teachers to apply for jobs there? Does it raise or lower morale among your educators?

Let's move to the bottom line: Might your collective decision last month — in the long term — help raise or lower your property values? And finally, will you make the same decision next month?
Why the people voted the way they voted is none of your fricking business.  Justifying their vote to scum like you, falsely bitching that Battle Ground's levy failure was the only one (LaCenter had a capital levy fail as well)  was based on a fit of pique.

I think the outcome was bad as well, but why the people choose to do what they did is none of your fricking, interfering weaselly business, and galvanizing the "no" vote by sticking your chrome dome into something that doesn't concern you just galvanizes that "no" vote and, as usual for scum like you, does more damage then good.

Then this garbage:

Anger trumps common sense — Rattling around the county is the boisterous (and incorrect) declaration that last November's failure of C-Tran's Proposition 1 was not just a rejection of a sales tax increase to fund maintenance and operation of light rail. Oh, no, more than that, it was a powerful rejection of the whole concept of light rail in Clark County.
But hold on a minute. Now the same folks are demanding that they be allowed to vote on light rail, even though they just got through insisting that light rail was roundly rejected last November. Which is it?
 What makes this snippet so absurd is that over the years, you've proven you wouldn't know "common sense" if it bit you in the ass.

Rattling around the pro-CRC scum like you in the county is the boisterous (and incorrect) declaration that last November's failure of C-Tran's Proposition 1 was not just a rejection of a sales tax increase to fund maintenance and operation of light rail.  Oh, no, more than that, it was not a powerful rejection of the whole concept of light rail in Clark County.

When scum like Laird want to lie, there's no stopping them: the bizarre idea that any vote we take would be limited to nothing but light rail is as psychotic as most of the garbage he spews.  That's "which one," you fricking ingrate.

We want a county wide vote on ALL of this, and not just loot rail.  This lying little weasel knows first, the vote demand is for the entire project to be voted on and second, the first vote was not county wide, even though the entire county would have to pay for it..

It takes a GENUINE scumbag to lie like Laird did in this part of his weekly slimeing.

Then he snivels about our tax picture, cherry picking a single study that suits his needs with its twisted "facts," followed by another slavish quote from his sainted fellow lying scumbag Rachel Maddow.

Soon, Laird will be gone.  Hopefully, he'll take his dumb, divisive ass back to Texas where he can go back to work picking lettuce or whatever it is he's best suited for.

But his reeking, scumbag leftist ass won't be any more missed up here then that moron Keonninger's, and when was the last time anyone talked about THAT dillwad?.

And each and every one of these positions of this moron have been and continue to be rejected by the people.  And there's a reason for that, Laird: and that's why first, that despicable rag you work for is circling the drain and second, a month after you're gone, no one will have remembered you.

1 comment:

  1. To each his (or her) own.

    But to me, the subject isn't the issue. The issue is that Laird has to dig really deep to come up with situational crap to bust anyone in the GOP with... while giving the dems a pass.

    If he nailed both sides equally, he wouldn't have seen a peep out of me. But the democrat-controlled state House opens with an invocation every day, and the democrat controlled Senate in DC does the same... and not a peep out of this moronic little hypocrite over those situations.

    Other than that, I've got no dog in the fight, because I do pray on my own time.

    My advice for everyone involved remains the same: don't like it?

    Don't do it.

    Simple, really... and that's no matter what Laird may believe Mielke might want.


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