Monday, March 04, 2013

How the state senate can force the 2/3rd's issue on the ballot.

As we know, the democrat's in this state don't give a rat's ass about the will of the people.

They demonstrate that in a variety of ways every day... their failure to demand the 2/3rd's tax vote issue go up on the ballot to change the constitution just being the latest.

So, here's the thing:  On the surface, the GOP is in a tenuous position: in a small minority in the House... a one vote majority in the Senate.

The one vote majority in the Senate is the key.

Lock up the caucus and refuse to pass any bill of any kind until the dems cave on this issue.

The people will support this: the demand is that the people get a voice.

Kill every single bill.  Pass nothing.  Go out to the people and explain why: with the 60% plus vote several times on this initiative... who do you think will win on this issue?

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