Thursday, March 14, 2013

Democratian continues to shill for Herrera's grandstanding, utterly worthless Pearson bill.

So, when we have real, genuine, life-altering issues to contend with, namely the CRC scam, what does the empty-headed bimbette do?

Writes a few letters.  Has the democratian splash them to make people believe she's actually doing something when anyone really watching knows she's just engaged in her own, quite worthless, charm offensive.

Jaime Herrera is the biggest disappointment in government today, save for that moron in the White House.

She continues her unblemished-by-any-accomplishment record of elective office into her 6th year of scamming us, where she has done...



We need her to spike the funding for the CRC scam.

The only problem is that this waste of skin WANTS the CRC scam, the whole enchilada.

The billions in wasted costs.  The loot rail scam driving it.  The 4 decades-long plus tolls, growing every year.

The $100,000,000 a year sucked out of our local economy, sucking the small business community depending on that money absolutely dry, like a Vampire at a small blood donor drive.

So, when we need action from this miserable manikin of a congresswoman, what do we get?

A massive waste of time, effort, energy and money like this.

Folks, this bill is so far beyond dead that it's even past the "dust" phase.

Let's white board this, shall we?

Let's presume that she gets this piece of crap out of committee, which seems odd since she's had years to get CRC legislation out of committee and hasn't done squat.

Then what?

Let's assume it makes it out of Rules.

Then what?

Let's take a flyer and even go so far as to ponder the possibility of it getting a floor vote.

After all, her builder/keeper, Cathy McMorris is right up their in leadership, so who knows?

Then, let's fantasize about the remote possibility that it passes... like the months, if not years it's taken to get THIS far?

Then what?

Well, I'll tell you what:  That will be the end of it.  It has less than zero chance in the Senate.  Murray/Cantwell will squash it (and Herrera) like a bug. 

In short, this entire effort isn't to get anything done, because, well, it won't.

This entire effort is to get Ridgefield Barbie earned media.  And because she's carrying the rag's water on the CRC scam like she's Gunga Din, they're holding up their end of the deal while she screws all of us.

I don't know what this region of the state did to piss off God.  God, of course, does have a sense of humor.

But our joke of a congresswoman isn't "funny haha."  She's a different kind of funny altogether.

And her inaction on the CRC scam, which is precisely and absolutely what the Looter/CRC scammers want, is liable to hurt the families of tens of thousands of commuters... while that empty-headed manikin focuses on getting re-elected instead of on representing the people.

Do not be fooled.  She's not doing us any favors in making the NPS intransigent when someone who had a clue would have used behind the scenes diplomacy/persuasion to accomplish the same goal instead of trying to publicly humiliate a federal agency into dancing to a back-bencher, non-important rookie coward congresswoman's tune.

Like backing them into a corner is the thing to do.

What a total idiot stick.

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