Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Coast Guard ain't buyin' the CRC crap as the hits just keep on coming.

Been a tough day for the pro-CRC slime, and now, it just got tougher.

CRC nards are turning in to a twilight zone.

The start of major construction on the Columbia River Crossing is now set back to late 2014.
The start of major construction on the Columbia River Crossing is now set back to late 2014.

The U.S. Coast Guard has told Columbia River Crossing leaders that it can't proceed on a crucial permit application without more information on the project's proposed bridge height and its impacts.

In a letter sent last week, Rear Adm. K. A. Taylor gave the CRC a list of several topics that aren't sufficiently addressed in the bridge permit application filed Jan. 30. Among the most pressing: efforts to mitigate impacts to river users, economic implications, and changes to the navigation channel between the Interstate 5 Bridge and the railroad span just downstream. The last of those may require a new analysis CRC planners haven't yet done.

The letter also addresses three major river manufacturers that could take a hit of up to $116 million in lost profits from the proposed 116-foot bridge height, according to the CRC.

"The application identifies a projected financial impact to three industrial fabricators, but does not provide the underlying data or analysis that supports it," Taylor wrote. "Neither does it analyze the long-term affect on those entities or the industry segments they serve."


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