Sunday, February 17, 2013

Well, looks like Jon Russell's still got that political bug: he's gearing up to run for something in Virginia.

Not content with screwing up politics in our local neck of the woods, Jon Russell has found his issue where he's roosting just now and will be attempting to use it as a scam to run for office... and soon.

Look this stuff up for yourself:

His self-flagellating web site:  rife with the self-promotion and "hurray-for-me-ism" that he's known for.

His Friends of Jon Russell Facebook page...

All of this is being done to raise his local profile so he can suck the people of Culpeper, Virginia in like he did those of Washougal.

Oddly, he doesn't mention Washougal anywhere that I can see.

Wonder why that is?

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