Friday, February 01, 2013

SB 5325 is not Cleveland's bill, it's Ann River's bill.

So, I did my daily, rather distasteful duty, of surfing the democratian this morning and discovered this nugget:

Measure could return $4 million to Clark County

OLYMPIA — Local legislators are cooperating more by geography than by party on a bill that could bring an estimated $4 million into Clark County.
Senate Bill 5325, which seeks to add Clark County to a list of "rural" counties that receive .09 percent of their sales taxes back each year, has received support from both Democrats and Republicans from Southwest Washington. House Bill 1553 is the companion bill.
Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, sponsored the Senate bill with three Republicans.
Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, was optimistic about the collaboration. Sens. Curtis King, R-Centralia, and Don Benton, R-Vancouver, are also sponsors of the bill.
"We can always find middle ground for our constituents," said Benton.
Cleveland was quick to clarify the .09 percent revenue sharing is not a tax increase.
"It does not increase taxes in any way, it merely returns .09 percent back to the county," she said.
Cleveland estimated that more than $4 million could be brought back into the county each year if the bill passes.
The money would be "used to finance public facilities serving economic development purposes," according to the language of the bill.
"(The money) would … bring in longer term permanent jobs," said Rivers.
"It's a great bill … focused on getting jobs into the state," said Benton.

The problem?

It's not Cleveland's bill.

That's right, and Cleveland is not the sponsor of the bill, that is, she didn't write or offer the bill.

She, along with Benton and King, are the CO-sponsors of the bill.

This bill belongs to Sen. Ann Rivers (R-LaCenter), but you couldn't tell that by reading today's ignorant, inaccurate and uninformed fantasy story from the democratian, can you?

No.... it's not Cleveland's bill.  But Cleveland, something of a light weight, IS a democrat.

I suppose, given the democratian, that's all it takes.

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