Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Resolution passes - Today's quiz questions for the fringe-left whacker's flipping out over the long-due anti-CRC resolution:

If this resolution is meaningless... then why do you care?

That's the thing.  The fringe-left whackers claim this doesn't make any difference.  If it doesn't make any difference...

...then why do they care?

If the rag is right and the commissioners can't do anything about this scam...

...then why do they care?

The rag tells us that "most" who testify are opposed to the resolution.  That may be, but it doesn't answer the question:

... why do they care?

The testimony is eyewash and totally unnecessary.  the "election" that decided this, both literally and figuratively, took place last November.

The commissioner who was absolutely in support of this scam got his butt kicked by the candidate who was just as hard corps in opposition.  The commissioner who has opposed this scam from the beginning received 21,000 more votes than the commissioner who supported this rip off.

The commissioners will vote on this as soon as those opposed are done whining... whining for reasons known only to themselves because, well, this resolution, they assure us...

Doesn't matter.

Except, of course, it does matter.

It matters any time elected officials speak with the voice of the people, because here's the thing: of those babbling in opposition to the "meaningless" resolution, I've got to wonder: how many of them voted for these two?

Hatred is a powerful motivator.  Looking at Greg Owens' or Mike Briggs' senseless comments shows their motivation.  But their hatred of the commissioners doesn't make their position on this issue superior to that of the will of the people these clowns expect the commissioners to ignore.


Well, because.... that the way THOSE two want it.

But neither of them have explained, nor have any of the whackers freaking out over this... what difference this resolution makes?

It matters because of the message it sends to our pet moron in Congress but be made clearer.  She must act, and she must know the consequences of her failure to act.

Those two cows representing "us" in the Senate must hear the message of the people of Clark County.

This is a message.  And the message is this: The People are coming after you.  And you'd better pay attention.

Those whining are those lying.  Elections have consequences, kiddies.  And the consequence of this one?

The CRC scam is going DOWN.

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