Monday, February 18, 2013

Oregon poison pills the CRC: supporters over here are now choking on it.

It will be interesting to see if the despicable slime shilling the CRC on this side of tyhe river begin to gag on the pap they've been trying to ram down OUR throats as they feel the oppressive weight of the bus the Oregon House deftly tossed them under today.

They had no trouble stripping out the vast majority of the CRC improvements on OUR side of the river our local scum have been lying to us about: and now, they've reduced the entirety of this scam to a new unneeded, unwanted and unnecessary bridge; the absolutely unnecessary and hated loot rail, and a new exit for Highway 14 into Camas/Washougal.

Gotta wonder: is Tim "The Liar" Leave-it and Steve Stuart as thrilled about this rip off today as they were yesterday?

How does CRUDEC, the Chamber of Horrors, C-Scam, Identity Vancouver and the like justify this rip off now?

How can they avoid the conclusion that the rest of us have acknowledged as reality: that the entirety of this extortion is to get loot rail into Vancouver/Clark County, just like the Oregon Supreme Court said it was?

Here's the money quote... literally:
SALEM, Ore. — A bill approving a new Interstate 5 bridge over the Columbia River would authorize $450 million in bonds to pay for Oregon's share, but it doesn't say how the state would pay off the debt over the coming decades. State lawmakers heard public testimony on the topic Monday.
What they didn't mention is their reality: they intend to toll on their side of the river to pay off their minor part of the debt.

And here's the next reality:

Tiffany LeMay Couch  CRC is testifying right now that they are considering a $2.8 billion project. Thus would eliminate all WA interchange fixes other than SR 14. Light rail no matter what.
Like · · · 2 hours ago near Salem, OR ·
The CRC is the gift that keeps on giving.  If "The Liar" and Stuart have any hope of remaining in office, now would be a good time to bail on this horrific waste of time, effort, energy and money.

It might.... just might... be enough to save their sorry butts in the next election.

Well, maybe not The Liar's, but you never know.

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