Friday, February 08, 2013

Moeller, Wylie and Cleveland: the 3 Stooges.

Unfortunately, the slime representing the 49th District in the Legislature who reallyu don't give a crap about the people, live in a fantasy world.

The lies they spout concerning the CRC are the usual delusional talking points.  You can go here and read it yourself.

But they act like Inslee can "Executive Order" his way into crapping another dime out for this scam.

They act like Sen. King cannot, by himself, kill the funding from this state for this rip off.

They ignore the several other GOP legislators from this county opposed to this garbage as if they weren't even there.

They lie like they breathe.

Every line contains a lie, such as
The impacts of a 116-foot bridge can be mitigated as the project moves forward, they wrote. They also said arguing over how many lanes the bridge should have or whether to scrap light rail plans is “destructive to (the) completion of the project.
The bridge is, of course, around 30 feet too short.  The ONLY way to "mitigate" it is to raise it to the level the Coast Guard wants.

The people of this county do not want this project generally or loot rail particularly.

We WANT the "destruction of this project."  We do not WANT this project "completed."

This crap:
Cleveland, Moeller and Wylie said they support a CRC with light rail because its operation costs are less than buses, because gas prices are on the rise, and because the Vancouver area is expected to grow by more than 100,000 people by 2025.

“That is only 12 years (away), and we need strong transit options for commuters and families,” they wrote.
First, the amount of traffic has fallen over each of the last six years.  In short, while our number may grow, there is precisely zero evidence to suggest that the traffic over the bridge will grow with it, or that the currentn bridge won't handle the increase.

Second, there are a wide variety of options for transit that have nothing to do with loot rail.

Third, a bad project completed quickly is utterly worthless compared to a great project done slowly.

Fourth, "operation costs" in the face of the BILLIONS these scum want to waste is an utter and complete joke.

I get that these slime are incapable of admitting mistakes.  But to ignore the facts of the matter and rely on this delusion shows that none of these 3 are fit to hold elective office.  And while Inslee is something of an empty suit, my guess is that he's something of a realist.  And with any luck at all, he'll have the sense to blow past these 3 light weights and deal with the re4ality: which is that not one dime is going to make it out of the state senate... these idiot's whining notwithstanding.

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