Thursday, February 28, 2013

CRUDEC: the gift that keeps on giving.

For years, the leftist, downtown mafia types like CRUDEC have been leeching off the taxpayers of this county, as they do of most counties.

In this instance, CRUDEC has been smacked down by the county commission (and whenever I use the phrase "county commission" I'm referring to the two conservatives in the majority) by virtue of their well-known support of the CRC scam, the largest rip-off in terms of dollars in the history of the NW United States.

Now, the stalker element operating on hate are upset about withholding this money from a pro-rip off organization.  Like most leftists, they believe that milk comes from Safeway instead of cows, and they want EVERY organization and effort to steal our money to be funded by, well, our money.

Commissioners Madore and Mielke don't happen to follow that line of thought.  Before he was ceremonially tossed from office, lame duck Commissioner Marc Boldt continued voting with his fellow democrat, Steve Stuart, yoking the people of this county to a variety of bad moves, bills and scams, precisely like he had during so much of his tenure.

In this instance, the people through their elected leaders have said "enough."  And I support that.  The pro-CRC scammers, who are terrified of the new majority on the commission, are losing their minds over this fiscally prudent act that fires a shot across the bow of the Identity Vancouver types infesting our community.

Odd, isn't it?  The hypocrisy of the whiny little bitches like Tim "The Liar" Leave-it (who is losing his mind over the impending loss of the CRC project because the state senate will not fund his little rip off) who claimed that by virtue of THEIR election, that NONE of their decisions should be subjected to the direct will of the voters can't be overstated here.

One has to wonder: if Leave-it and Stuart's decisions don't have to be reviewed... then why are the Kool-Aid drinking, cult-like followers of the CRC scam complaining about what the commissioners have done here, particularly when the organization in question has indicated they don't need the money?

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