Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A fun new web site:

Wow... how could I pass THAT up?

So, I suggested they primary that worthless manikin of a congresswoman representing us around here, Jaime Herrera.
First, Jaime has voted to raise the debt ceiling, voted for sequestration, wasted tens of thousands of dollars on campaign pieces masquerading as a "mail survey" for an issue she already knew the answer on, before redistricting was put in effect, she abandoned the northern 1/4 of her district, she has repeatedly voted for budgets and CR's that have dropped a mountain of debt into our laps,

Second, She flatly refuses to hold open town hall meetings, instead relying on selected special interests who can bring a checkbook, 
Third, she has flat out lied on the biggest issue confronting the people of Clark County, WA (Which has roughly half her district population in it) over a massive, multi-billion dollar waste of money known as the Columbia River Crossing (Light Rail /Tolling Project) 
Fourth, another symptom of her cowardice is that she has refused to state a position on women in combat, just the latest way Obama has screwed up our military. 
Fifth, she ranks 187th in the Club for Growth rating and frankly, is far more concerned about keeping her job than she is representing us. 
The list is even longer, but you get the gist of it: she TALKS a lot, but accomplishes nothing, and is a political coward to boot, afraid to face her own constituency without careful, controlling screening and little to no advance word. 
As a former WAGOP E.D. I can't imagine any Republican worse suited for the job of trying to look good while she accomplishes nothing except to keep her job.
I suggested David Castillo or David Madore as likely candidates to run her out of town.

Check it out, check-it-outers.

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