Thursday, January 10, 2013

You might be wondering: what's Jon Russell been up to?

Readers here know how highly I think of Jon Russell, who I believe represents the absolute worst that politics has to offer.

Detailed here,, the years long psychotic episodes of lies, misleading, exaggeration, incompetence... well, I still get emails from people keeping me in the loop about this guy, because he is all about getting elected... to something... anything... and I have made it my pledge to be there when he actually tries to run.

Russell's own campaigns have been utterly abysmal.  His abortive run for congress was a disaster; his obnoxious run for the House of Representatives here and his subsequent abandonment of his job in Washougal, which, after all, he was only using as a stair-step and campaign prop to bigger and better things was an outright disaster... scandal after scandal, incompetence after incompetence.  Jon Russell Watch details it all.

Well, Russell landed in a bucolic little berg in Virginia named "Culpeper."

He's starting his campaign to get elected to something, because, as his biggest fan, he has GOT to get a title. 

So, he's set up the start of a campaign page on facebook ( ) that looks vaguely familiar.


That's what it's all about.

This time, however, he's at least being accurate about his accomplishments, although there's no mention of Washougal on this page... and no mention of, say, Jessica Bowen.

Now he's on a jihad to move the city council election date to November, with a claim of savings and increased participation.

While that may possibly be true, at the end of the day, the idea that he's doing this out of altruism over doing it to increase his name familiarity is absurd.

And when he does run... I'm going to be there... educating the people as to what they're actually going to get if he's elected.


  1. Little know around the community, the recent flap over David Madore meeting with some north county officials and the effort to oust Ganley from the C-Tran board was actually an email from Jon Russell to some city council members.

    Madore was left holding the bag while Jon sit in Virginia puffing out his chest over how great he thinks he is.

  2. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Welll now, is that how it got all started?

    And to add insult to satirical injury, Temple Lentz had to bend over and just drive a wedge into Madore's heart based on her attempts over at DC...?

    If this is really true Lew, I say, take out the political daggers and battle axes. If Jon wants to sit comfy in an office at some self-appointed point in Virginia and think he can get retribution over what happened to him in Clark County or play games, may be someone needs to teach him a new lesson, that you do not play with fire unless you know what you are doing? (Reminds me of the PaulBot religious fanatics...?)

    There is a reason I put my set of political knives and battle axes away some time ago. One, I didn't know all of the inner workings of local politics and two, there was nothing worth getting the blow back from doing some thing stupid like Jon and many other un-knowledgeable tools has shown over time.

    Well, if this is so. Some one needs to gather up the requisite data and give the little man a spanking? -- Jeremy

  3. Anon, it is, in fact, true. I'm working to get copies of the email ion question.

  4. I received an email from Jon this morning, posted in full below

    Mr. Waters,

    It has come to my attention that you have posted a misstatement about Commissioner Madore and me on the internet and I wanted to take a second to correct your error.

    You are quoted as saying,

    Lew Waters said...
    Little know around the community, the recent flap over David Madore meeting with some north county officials and the effort to oust Ganley from the C-Tran board was actually an email from Jon Russell to some city council members.
    Madore was left holding the bag while Jon sit in Virginia puffing out his chest over how great he thinks he is.

    I was asked by Commissioner Madore to contact a few city councilmen in Northern Clark County to discuss the interlocal agreement developed between Camas-Washougal which governs the Ctran appointment process. This interlocal agreement would be a good model for the rest of the ctran jurisdictions because it provides a framework to promote a mutually agreed upon ctran representative instead of appointing the same person over and over again. I would appreciate it if you would correct your statement. I know Commissioner Madore has great respect for you and so I have also copied him on this email. He can verify my statements if you are still unsure.


    Jon Russell
    On Facebook
    On Twitter @Jon_Russell
    Cell: 360-624-4934

    The email Jon sent and copied to me also below

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jon Russell []
    Sent: Wed 11/28/2012 8:21 AM
    To: Philip Johnson; Shane A. Bowman
    Subject: Battle Ground & CTRAN

    BG Councilmen Johnson & Bowman,

    I want to encourage you to press in on your city administration hard to produce an inter-local agreement between all the cities in your ctran area. The agreement should spell out the process of electing a representative to set on the Ctran & RTC boards and should be rotated between the cities. The appointments should also be made by a majority of the council as stated in the Ctran Bylaws. A lot is at stake with light rail and tolls and we cannot afford government establishment types to be on these boards year and year uncontested. Camas-Washougal has an inter local agreement that governs the process of appointments to Ctran and RTC.

    *Jon Russell*


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
