Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Oregonian Lie Factory: Rip-off Agenda 2013.

Clearly, the clowns who wrote this tripe either don't know, or don't care, that the ENTIRE basis for this project is precisely what Clark County Commissioner David Madore said it was: a scam to get light rail into Clark County, period.

These scum need to realize:  Except for tyhe slime in the downtown mafia, the PEOPLE of Clark County simply don't give a rat's ass WHAT they think, PARTICULARLY when what they "think" (using the term loosely) is based on lies, exaggerations, self-delusion and utter false-hood.

What matter is that their own state's supreme court told us the undeniable truth that these scum attempt to deny:
The answer, according to the court: The massive Interstate 5 bridge and freeway project is a “political necessity” to persuade Clark County residents to accept something they previously didn’t want—a MAX light-rail line from Portland to Vancouver. (To read the Feb. 16, 2012 Oregon Supreme Court decision regarding the Columbia River Crossing Project, click here (PDF, 18 pages))
Once this truth is established.... everything else... including this pap from this horrific rasg of a newspaper.... falls apart.

So, here's a clue:

What we do here; who we elect here.... what THEY do here... is no one in Oregon's business.

We don't want your scam.  We don't need your scam.  And the childish bullshit of an editorial shows that same kind of blind faith and allegience to government that got us into this position in the first place.

Commissioner Madore is to be congratulated for the stances he takes: they reflect the views of the majority who elected him, and that is all that matters.... unlike this steaming pile of crap from the lazy O... who, as most fringe left nutters, believe their judgment superior to the majority of US, who have to PAY for this sewage... and who show the arrogance of the downtown mafia in spades.

"Slow the" non-existent  "momentum of the CRC?"

Madore ought to blow so many fricking holes in this crap that it won't hold any air.

He ran on a platform of destroying this idiocy, and unlike SOME scum (Tim "The Liar" Leave-it comes to mind) he is doing precisely and exactly what he promised to do.

That pro-CRC scum like this rag don't like it means that he's on target.  And whoever wrote this tripe for this newspaper is so full of it,  it's coming out their ears.

The entire project is a lie; a crime against the people of this county.  And if that despicable rag of used toilet paper doesn't like it, that's just too damned bad...

In short, if we want the Oregonian's advice, or anyone else's advice on how we are going to live over here, we'll ask for it.

Mean while, F@#k off.

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