Saturday, January 19, 2013

The irony of a liar... doing a column on... a liar.

Imagine my surprise when I read Brancaccio's latest spew:

It's totally irrelevant babble about Clinton's idiocy.

But one element did catch my eye:
I found an article by Dr. Gail Saltz that addresses this.

Lying, it turns out, begins at around 4 or 5 years old. Kids begin testing those around them to see what they can get away with, how they can manipulate their environment. They pretty quickly figure out that lying can get them out of trouble or get them something they want.

Yes, those things called "white lies" are pretty harmless. You know, "Honey, you really look thin in that dress" or "Darling, that suit makes you look so handsome."

Unfortunately, many lies go beyond the small stuff.

Those come from a group of people whom Saltz says have antisocial personality disorder or are sociopaths.

"When you get away with a lie, it often impels you to continue your deceptions. Liars often find themselves perpetrating more untruths to cover themselves."
You don't say.

Explains a great deal about Brancaccio's motivations.

Lou has an agenda.  There's nothing he won't do to further that agenda.  His agenda and the will of the people mostly aren't even of passing acquaintance.  So, to Lou, lying, deceiving, attacking, selectively presenting the facts and issues with total bias appears to be the text book example  of the very thing he's talking about here.

Keeping the people in the dark on the CRC; failing to hold Tim "The Liar" Leave-it accountable for his multiple lies during his campaign; the lies and misrepresentations of the people he opposes.... me, for example... certainly Sen. Don Benton, Commissioner Madore, Assessor Van Nortwick and the like... all circles back to the last italicized paragraph as it applies to Brancaccio.

And that's a shame.  Imagine how much more effective Brancaccio and his newspaper would be if they'd just stick to the truth and treat everyone the same.

But that is a fantasy that we will never see come to fruition as long as he's infesting us.

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