Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The idiocy of the Boy Scouts and the super-human homos.

So, the BSA looks like it's stupidly going to cave on the homosexuality issue, for whatever the reason because there really is no excuse.

The JAWA report weighs in on this idiocy:

January 29, 2013

The Homosexual Superhumans and the BSA

So, the Boy Scouts of America is contemplating letting openly gay men serve as Scout leaders?
This is the dumbest thing I've heard gay rights advocates push for -- ever.
The idea that a gay man should go camping with a bunch of teenage boys? Yeah, that's insane.
Not because homosexuals are predatory by nature. Not because they are going to lure impressionable youths into the gay lifestyle. Foolishness, all.
Gays aren't any worse than the next man when it comes to normal human impulses. But they certainly aren't any better.
Would you let me take your 14 year old daughter camping? Kind of seems inappropriate.
So, you acknowledge that no matter how decent of a guy I might be, because I am a normal man subject to normal male passions, it's probably not a great idea for me and my buddy -- let's say, Howie -- to take a group of 14 - 15 year old girls on a camp out. Don't forget to bring a pillow for the mandatory pillow fight!
It's creepy.
Yet somehow homosexual men are exempt from normal male passions? Gay men aren't tempted by 14 - 15 year old boys?
To believe this is to believe that gays are better than straights. That gays are, in fact, superhuman.
That's what the idiots who think gays should be allowed to lead Scout troops fundamentally believe.
Yes, it is discriminatory to not let gays lead Scout troops. It's also discriminatory to not let men lead Girl Scout troops.
Some discrimination has a basis in fact, experience, and human nature.
An adult male that is attracted to a teenage girl is not, in fact, a child molester or pedophile. A pedophile is one who is attracted to prepubescent children. And while some Boy Scouts are in their per-adolescent years (Cub Scouts), camping trips are usually limited to older Scouts -- those who are squarely in their teen years.
It is normal for adult males to be attracted to teenage girls. While this attraction may be normal, acting on these attractions certainly isn't since sexual maturity isn't necessarily connected to social maturity, moral maturity, or psychological maturity.
This is why we have statutory rape laws and why even consensual relationships of this type are considered immoral and are therefore illegal.

This is a bad idea... a horrific idea.  It will not only cause thousands to leave scouting, it will cut off donations AND cost the BSA millions when kids are assaulted as they inevitably will be.

This is a fundamental shift in everything the Scouts are supposed to stand for, and it is the announcement of their demise.

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